Chapter 18 - Visiting Hancock

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-Time Skip-1 Year Later-

"So, this is Amazon Lily. It' a lot prettier than I thought it would be." I say looking at the island ahead of me.

"Who goes there?" A voice says and I look in the direction the voice came from to find the Kuja Pirate ship sitting beside me.

"Whoa when'd you get there?" I ask as I scan the ship and its crew.

"Answer the question fool. Who are you and why are you near Amazon Lily?" Hancock asks stepping forward and glaring down at me.

"I was wishing to meet you Boa Hancock and ask a favor from you." I say standing up straight and slipping my hood off my face.

"What favor do you want from me?" Hancock asks suspiciously.

"I was hoping you would be willing to train me." I say.

"Why would I want to train you?" Hancock asks and I scratch my head.

"I could blackmail you but that just isn't right." I say tilting my head and Hancock gains a slightly scared face. "I know, train me as a favor for Fisher Tiger since he owes me one."

"How do you know those things?" Hancock asks with narrowed eyes.

"If you're worried about me telling someone don't. No one should have to go through that and I swear I will punch one of those assholes one day. I swear I won't tell anyone." I say holding up my hands.

"You want to punch a Tenryuubito?" Hancock asks in surprise and I nod.

"Yeah I want to sucker punch one and then beat them to a pulp." I say and a small smile appears on Hancock's face.

"I will train you but you will never disclose anything that we tell you not too. Amazon Lily has its secrets and you'll learn some of those while staying with us." Hancock says and I nod.

"I won't say anything about the things I am not supposed to." I say.

"Climb aboard." Hancock says and I scratch the back of my neck.

"I don't want to leave my boat here though. Can I follow behind you guys?" I ask and Hancock nods.

"You can either follow behind or you can tie your boat to ours." Hancock says.

"I might as well tie it to the back then." I say tying a rope to the front of the boat and then jumping aboard the Kuja ship. I tie the other end to the railing and after Hancock informs the crew about our deal we continue towards Amazon Lily.

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