Chapter 7 - Saving Fisher Tiger

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Jimbei is 34, Luffy is 7, Belle is 12

I rush in front of Tiger and throw the smoke bomb I had just finished perfecting down in front of us just as the marines pull the triggers. I knock Tiger down and out before any bullets can hit him. I pull the fake blood that I was carrying around out before dumping two full bags onto the unconscious Fishman. When both bags are empty, I exit the smoke cloud unnoticed and sit on a nearby rock so I can watch how things happen now.

"We've succeeded men." Strawberry says when the smoke cloud has settled and he spots the blood covered fishman.

"Boss." The Sun Pirates yell rushing towards where the marines are at.

"No, Big Bro." Jimbei says spotting the downed and supposedly dead Fisher Tiger.

"It's the rest of the Sun Pirates Rear Admiral." A marine says and Strawberry nods.

"What did you do to Big Bro Ti?" A fishman yells rushing forward and taking out a marine.

"We killed him." Strawberry says blocking the punch Jimbei aims at him. I watch as the marines and Sun Pirates fight it out before getting bored. I walk over to where Tiger lay unconscious and throw him over my shoulder.

"I'm taking the body." I say since everyone had stopped fighting to look at me.

"You are not taking Bro's body." Jimbei says rushing towards me.

"The marines will be the one's taking Fisher Tiger's body." Strawberry says rushing at me as well.

"Geez you two." I say dodging both. "I'm taking him and there's nothing you can really do about it."

"Give him back." Jimbei yells charging again and I dodge once again.

"I'll be taking my leave then." I say giving them a small head nod and breaking Strawberry's knee before taking off to where I docked my boat. I climb in quickly and start the motor before pulling away from the shore that I had docked near. I speed out towards the open ocean and spot a marine about to behead Hachi from behind causing me to pull out my gun. With carefully aiming and a steady hand I fire off a shot which successfully takes out the marine. I see Hachi startle and turn around just in time to catch the marine who was aiming for his head with a sword fall backwards over board. His eyes look up probably searching for who took him out and I see his eyes fall on my boat. I put my gun away and raise a hand to signal goodbye before steering my boat in the direction I want to go.

~Third Person~

"Where's Big Bro Ti?" Arlong asks when the shore group returns to the commandeered ship.

"He's dead." Jimbei says looking at the deck sadly and the others are silent with shock.

"Liars," Kuroobi says.

"It's true," Marco says.

"What happened?" Aladine asks.

"The marines ambushed him on his way back and they killed him." Jimbei says.

"Where's his body then? I hope you didn't let those marine bastards take it." Arlong practically growls.

"The marines didn't take it. A child showed up and took his body before either of us could grab it." Jimbei says.

"She easily dodged everything Jimbei and the marine in charge threw at her. She also destroyed the marine guy's knee while she was leaving." Tansui says.

"Did this child wear a black cloak?" Hachi asks timidly and everyone turns to look at him.

"They did, how'd you know Hachi?" Jimbei asks.

"During the fight with the marines here one managed to sneak up behind me. I didn't notice until I heard the sound of a gunshot. When I turned around the marine, who was in a position to take me out had a hole through his head and was falling off the ship dead. I spotted... something out a bit and, I think it was a young girl was holding up a gun. She raised her hand before sailing away and her black cloak was billowing behind her." Hachi says.

"What way did she go and what do you mean by something?" Chew asks.

"She went that way and I don't know what she was in. My first impression was that it was a boat but it had no mast or sails so there was no possible way for it to have been moving let alone at a faster pace then today would've had. It was going as fast as a ship would with a full sail and a strong wind." Hachi says.

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