Simplicity AU

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Now I thought about this AU about a few days ago and~~~ it's pretty dumb actually so let's just start


Another cold morning, middle of winter never actually bother the man. His hair almost matched the snow falling in front of him. If it was a shade lighter ,then it will twin his German friend. 

His coffee emitting its soft mist, indicating the recently made drink. His eyes darting over the view of the city he now live in, the street without hustle and bustle just yet and then he looks for the sun. Of course it was blocked by the thick grey winter cloud.

Nothing new he thought.

Looking back and leaving the view, his clock greeted him with his favourite number. 5:00. Time for him to get ready and greeting the place he work at for most of his life after graduating.  The place was one of his Grandfather's heritage to him, other than the bright coloured hair and cold + scary look of his. 

Putting his coffee cup down and starts to make his way to the shower, changing from his bathrobe to a beautifully styled black suit and tie, matching the lavender of his eyes. Final adjustments and he was ready to face yet another day of his life. Picking up the black briefcase and going down from his penthouse apartment. Heck, the whole building is his.

A car awaits him outside. Stepping in the car his driver knows where they will go. 

"Ready for the day Mr. Ivan?", his driver asked before starting the car.

"Don't remind me Toris", he said calmly, but his driver Toris knows better. 

His day wasn't going to be filled with paper work, but with meeting random people for an interview. Instead of that, It will be filled with meeting random people who might be his life partner. 

Yes, today was the day his Grandfather decided to look for a wife or even a husband if Ivan choose to.

"I'm sure Mr. Winter has a good intention for this"

"He doesn't Toris, he never has good intention. All he did was making things worse for those who disobey him, and it will include me if I don't do what he wants today", Toris only sighed, his boss is right. Mr. Winter is not someone you can just say no too.

"hmph... Mc Muffin and black coffee to start the day sir?", he asked with a smile, reflecting on the hanging front mirror. Ivan just smiled, agreeing to the offer. It was this reason why he can tolerate the day sometimes.

//Meanwhile at the other side of the city//

A man with golden hair and sea like eyes. Staring at the river in front of him, yearning for answer as to why it flows if in the end it will just end and become one with the sea.

His eyes scanned over once again before stretching his arm. Standing up ready to take on the day.

He has a meeting to attend to.


//after 5 millennia of missing//

Ok I came back with this idea. And the point is 

A business man is being told to/looking for a life companion and so they made an add about it. Many people signed up but at the day of the interview, no one peeked their interest, until one does. 

But they were simple. A simple person with nothing special at first, until they know the simple one more, discovering surprise after surprise of what the other is capable to do. And what they are hiding. 

As times go by. It get's darker, but only trust and faith over the situation can win them over. It was an adventure they don't look for but came crashing without a warning. In the same time, the simple turns to difficult, wise words were not to count upon anymore.

So yeah that's basically how it went. I won't continue this as it was just and idea I had in mind.



Speechless [RusAme Oneshots]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora