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Corey isn't happy about seeing his brother there. "Why the hell are you here, Simon?"

"Cleaning up your mess, Corey. You've been told before that the workers are off limits and yet you break the arm of one of our best waitresses. Why?" Simon says leaning casually against the door after he enters and closes it.

"The bitch wouldn't go out with me," Corey says in outrage.

"She couldn't, father has ordered all patrons, but especially us, off limits. Had she accepted the offer then she would lose her job. Now I know that you're an idiot, but even you must realize that having a job means more than going out on a date. What's more, not every female wants to date you. Have you ever thought of that?"

Simon could see by the shocked look on Corey's face that the idea had never entered into his brain before. "What's not to like? Why wouldn't she want to go out with me?"

"Oh, I don't know, perhaps your sorry ass personality, the fact that you're mafia and a killer, the part that not all females find your particular looks attractive." Most would though, tall, blonde, brown eyes the color of dark chocolate and a nice tan.

Corey starts laughing, "You must be joking right? Of course she finds me attractive. All the women here do."

Simon has seen footage of when Corey and Sophia are together and he doesn't see even the slightest attraction on her part. There have actually been times when he's seen revulsion when she looks at Corey. She hides it quickly, but it was there. He doesn't know how his brother doesn't get that some females just don't want him.

Simon sighs deeply to relieve the pressure building inside. He's had a long day and had looked forward to relaxing this night and now has this mess to clean up before he can go home and sleep it off. "Come on, father wants to see you. He is less than pleased about your actions here this night."

Corey's laughter is cut off as is a knife cut it. "Father? Why would he get involved?" For the first time there is real fear in his voice and manner.

"You harmed one of his best workers here at his favorite club. He likes Sophia, she gets high compliments from the patrons and doesn't cause problems, nor does she stick her nose in where it doesn't belong. There's a reason that she's been employee of the month several times." Indeed out of all the employees in all of their businesses Sophia is the only one he knows the name of other than high level employees. He's kept his eye on her.

Now Corey's face turns ashen. He hadn't realized that his father had taken an interest in Sophia. There just might be trouble for what he did this night after all.

With trepidation Corey walks slowly to Simon's car and gets in. He doesn't say anything more as Simon drives to their father's house. 

He walks slowly but firmly to his father's study and knocks on the door. He does his best to hide his agitation from both his brother and once he opens the door, his father.

"Corey, take a seat. Simon, go back to the hospital and make sure the girl is taken care of. Let me know what her needs will be for the foreseeable future." The man behind the desk commands. His voice holds no trace of how he feels, but his gaze never leaves that of his younger son.

"Yes, father," Simon says, he immediately turns and leaves the room. He already knows what punishment his father intends.

Once the door is closed again, silence reins in the room. Corey does his best to sit still and not fidget, but finds it hard under the gimlet stare his father is giving him. The man lets the silence do the job for him and only speaks once he notices the sweat starting to form on Corey's forehead.

"You've been told before that the workers of the clubs are off limits. I have reviewed the security footage of the club and Sophia did nothing wrong. So tell me why did you find it necessary to pull her over the table and then break her arm?"

"I," Corey has to take a breath and swallow several times before he can continue. "I wanted to go out with her and she wouldn't. I just wanted to know the reason why."

The man isn't impressed with his son's answer. "And what did she tell you?"

"She said that you ordered all patrons, but especially me and Simon, off limits." Corey replies, finding it necessary to once again swallow several times to answer his father. His father's gaze boring into him.

"So she told you what I told her and the other workers and you found it necessary to break her arm?" If anything the man's voice gets colder and sharper as he speaks. Corey finds himself sweating much more than before. His father is known for his temper, but when he gets coldly angry that is when you really need to watch out.

"Yes, sir," Corey says weakly.

"Why?" the man demands.

"I've wanted to date her for some time. The fact that she-" Corey is interrupted by his father.

"The fact that she doesn't want to date you infuriated you so you took it out on her." His father states for him. Corey hangs his head.

"Yes, father." His voice is barely heard.

"I've warned you several times in the past. You've been given chance after chance, but not any more. This time you've gone too far. The workers are under MY protection. Do you understand what that means?" His voice has gotten soft and frigid.

"I-" Corey starts but is unable to finish that thought and changes what he's going to say, "No sir."

"It means that you crossed me, when you broke her arm. She was following my rules, doing what she was told. You scared her, one of my best workers, because you are a spoiled brat. This isn't her fault, but it seems that you think that you will never be called upon to face consequences. This time you will. I'm pressing charges. The police have already been called and are currently waiting. You will be going to jail and when you get out, if you cross me again the consequences will be even worse.

"Sophia is completely off limits to you, even if she isn't working for me when you get out. Do I make myself clear?" The man demands and the look of complete shock on Corey's face makes the man sit back and inwardly smile. Finally something has gotten through to his son.

"Jail? You're sending me to jail for what I did to Sophia? It's just an arm break, no big deal." Corey says in disbelief.

"Perhaps to you it's no big deal, but to her it is. She won't be able to work, she won't be able to make rent and so she'll become homeless. She won't be able to make her tuition and so she won't be able to continue her education. I wanted her to finish, I had plans for her after she finished, but now thanks to you those plans are on hold." The man says coldly and pushes a button. The door to the room opens and two officers are escorted into the room. They lift the astounded man off the couch where he is sitting and read him his rights even as he is being handcuffed.

Corey just stares at his father in disbelief the whole time. Breaking his stare only as he is being escorted from the room and to the waiting police cruiser.

Once the others are out of the room the guard silently shuts the study door. The man behind the desk leans forward and places his face in his hands as his elbows support his arms on the desk. He wonders where he went wrong with his youngest son.

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