Chapter 1

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As I looked around i could'nt help but notice just how dark it was and erily quiet. I could have sworn there was just sunlight shining between the trees. I slowly stumbled along the path, searching for something but I could'nt remember what. I felt like I had been walking for days but it could only have been hours. Just then I heard a noise behind me. Afraid I slowly turned around and saw a shadow leaning against a beautiful willow tree. The figure was wearing all black and from what I could see, has quite a few tattoos. "Hello, Amber", he said. I was stuned by his voice, he had one of the most amazing voices i'd ever heard. "H...h...h...who are you???" I stuttered out. I was terrified. At first he did'nt say anything, just smiled at me. I began to notice other things about him like his smell. He smelled of wine and something else. I could'nt distinguish the smell though. He had beautiful black hair, that just reached his shoulders, it glistened in the moonlight. I looked back at his face and noticed his eyes. He had the most beautiful hazel eyes that seemed as if the had seen everything. "All in good time" he replied. Before I could respond he was gone. I jumped up in a cold sweat to realize I was in my bed in my own room. It had all been a dream but it had felt so real. I got this strong feeling like I had met him before but did'nt remember where. He seemed so familiar I was sure I had seen him somewhere before, around town maybe? I could'nt remember anything right now. I glanced at the clock , it was 3 in the morning. "Ugh... I have classes in the morning." I whispered into the darkness. I got up and made my way downstairs to the kitchen might as well have a snack since i was already awake. I remembered I had made some fresh banana nut muffins earlier that day, so I grabbed one and a glass of milk and sat at the table to think. It was entirely too early to call Cyndy and tell her about the dream so I would have to wait till lunch later today. I had just finished my muffin when Jade, my black lab, started barking at the back door. Guess she had to use the bathroom. I put my cup in the sink and opened the door for her. She shot towards the woods behind the house barking the whole way there. I saw something or someone flash into the woods, I could have sworn it was a guy. "JADE!!! Come back!" I screamed. She came scampering back in the door. I quickly shut and locked the door. "I wonder what that was?" I whispered to myself. I got Jade a bowl of water and headed back upstairs. As I walked into my room a long black box caught my attention. I opened it and inside was a beautiful black rose and a note that said "Soon".

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