Opening Night - Part 1

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"I've really missed that," you whispered.

"Same here," he said putting his forehead against yours.

"So, are you ready for tonight? Nervous?" You asked looking into his eyes.

"A little bit of both," he admitted. "Touring is one of my favorite things to do in this business, so I'm looking forward to it since I've been away from it for almost two years. But then I'm a little nervous because this is the first tour by myself with the lads. I know I've got the band, so I'm not entirely by myself, but it's still different."

"You're going to great," you smiled. "I'm mean you've had shows over the last few months and those were amazing, so I'm sure these will be the same way."

"I hope so," he said. "I hope the fans enjoy themselves."

"Well, the fact that they're already outside hours before the show even starts says a lot," you laughed.

"Yeah," he laughed. "So, how you feeling about being here?"

"Excited and nervous," you said. "I'm excited because I've never really filmed a tour like this before, so I'm grateful to get to try something new and add in this type of film work under my belt, but also a little nervous because I might suck at it."

"Baby, you're not going to suck at it. You're great at what you do," he smiled. "And I'm not just saying that because you're my girlfriend."

"Speaking of me being your girlfriend, how are we going to handle the whole possibility of our relationship getting out to the public with us being out together more," you said. "Especially after our little reunion out there."

He sighed and sat down on the couch on the bus before pulling you onto his lap.

"Honestly, I don't really care," he said. "What I mean is, I don't want to have to second guess myself before grabbing your hand or kissing you, just because people might be watching and post it on social media. We've been together for ages now, that I think we're strong enough to face the drama that will come with us going "public." But I mean if you're not comfortable with that yet, then I get it."

"It's not that I'm not comfortable with it, I guess I'm just a little worried about other people having the same reaction to us being together as your Mom and sister did," you sighed. "I mean it was bad enough going through that with them and luckily we're on a better as of now, but I don't want to have to see it plastered all over social media or on magazines."

"I get that," he nodded moving hair from your face. "But eventually, they won't be like that and there will be something new everyone will be talking about. And besides, everyone who will talk shit about it, don't exactly matter, right?"

"Not really no," you said.

"Exactly, so who gives a fuck what they say," he smiled. "We know how we feel about one another. We know that our feelings are real."

"Yeah, we do," you smiled playing with your palm tree necklace.

He smiled. "It makes me happy that you still wear that."

"Of course," you smiled. "I wear it every day. In fact, other than when I shower, I don't really take it off."

"Same with this," Harry smiled holding his hand up with the ring.

You smiled lacing your hand with his and pressing your lips against his.


The show would soon be starting and you already had your cameras set up and ready to go. You were backstage with Harry before he went onstage. You had filmed a few things like him warming up and chatting with the band before turning off the camera so you can give him a few good luck kisses.

"You look good wearing my face," he joked nodding down at your tour t-shirt.

You laughed. "Well, I mean, I'd figured I wanted to blend in a bit."

"It's going to be a bit weird taking that off tonight and throwing it on the floor," he smirked.

You rolled your eyes with a laugh. "Anyway, I need to head out and film a bit of the crowd before you get on stage, so we need to make this quick."

"I wish we could..." he groaned pulling you to him. "But I think it'd only hurt the situation more."

"I wasn't referring to that type of quickie," you giggled kissing him.

He smiled into the kiss and you pulled away before he could deepen it. He had a pout on his face and you laughed wiping some the lipstick color that had rubbed off.

"We'll pick up where we left off later on the bus," you smiled. "So, try not to use up all of your energy on stage."

"Don't worry, I'll have plenty of energy left for you, baby," he smirked.

You laughed and grabbed your bag before heading out to the audience. When you made your way towards the stage, you ran accidentally ran into someone.

"Oh, sorry," you said looking up. Your eyes widen in surprise when you see who it was. "Max? What- What are you doing here?"


Here it is, Behind the Tour! Let me know what you think and if there is anything you'd like to see happen in the series! I'm not sure how many parts there will be since... the tour is kinda long... there'd have to be a lot of fast-forwarding... so we'll see. 

Behind The Tour (Sequel to Behind The Album) - Harry Styles FicKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat