|2| Heartbreak

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Chapter two

Today is Tuesday and I hate Tuesdays

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Today is Tuesday and I hate Tuesdays. Only because it is the only day in the week I have history and Art.
Who cares about the past? We need to move forward and I do not have any artistic feature in my veins! Can Mrs. Snow stops talking about how we need to go deep into ourselves and discover our art?
First and foremostl, I'm full of hormones and mood swings, secondly, please stop telling me what to do!

Much appreciated.

If I'm being very honest. I think I hate Tuesdays more because the lunch food sucks and I have class with Luca - Art.

It is approximately eleven in the morning and I am heading to my history class. I can't describe how slow my feet takes me to that class. Not even the bell or the ugly stares for being late could save me. So I take my time and make my journey to a forty-five minute of torture.

"Okay Everyone, take your seats and turn your books to page 45, I want you to read on that whiles I go through your assignments"
Did I tell you our history teacher is literally the laziest? If no, I guess you just witness that for yourselves.
I spend half the minutes sleeping until someone taps me on the shoulder because our teacher is about to discuss what we apparently had just read.
The time is up before we could finish our discussion which lands us an assignment.

Lunch break was over faster than usual. That is the power of a bad day. Usually a bad day goes slower than this but today must be one of the special days.
When Luca stops me in the hallway on my way to Art after lunch- Like I said, bad special day. To have Luca talking to you whiles everyone stares isn't an attention I appreciate.

"We don't have to talk. Today is Tuesday" I whisper to him. It is enough that everyone can see us together, I don't think they need to hear what is going on.

"Exactly why we're talking. I can't make it tomorrow."

"You can't or you won't?" I slurs. Can I have some effort from this guy. "You don't have practice tomorrow, so what is stopping you?"

"I have to babysit my sister" he says running his hand through his hair. Luca has a sister? Young enough to be babysit too? I guess I have been living on another planet all this time

"That is not a good enough excuse. We all have equally important things to do but we will be making time. Oh, maybe if you had shown up on time last Friday, you could have..."

"I'm sorry Yolanda, but I'm not going to be around" he states and walks into the class ahead of me. Did he just walk away whiles I was talking? I need to have a word with Mr. Winson. He either moves me to the A team or kicks Luca off my team. My heart is broken and I'm not even disappointed at this point, just heartbroken.

The rest of Art class was uneventful as always. I tried my best to bring out the artistic version out of my damn soul but I only kept thinking of way to wipe of the silly smirk off Luca's face whiles he work on his project. Don't ask why I join the art class. I did it to feel connected to my deceased father and also to skip PE.

"Okay class, see you all next week and don't forget to make your parents sign my permit letters. We will be going to the meseum next week." Mrs. Snow announces. I decided to stay behind and break the news to her. I don't go to the meseum,not after dad passed from a car crash on our way from the meseum.

The doctors had declared him fit to return home but dad didn't wake up the next morning whiles in bed at home. The details of what happened after is a story my mom refuses to tell me but that didn't stop me from hating the hospital, doctors,and the entire damn staff. Well and the meseum and any idea of an excursion.


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