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she is a blood red rose
with thorns as long as her petals.
she's equal parts dangerous and beautiful
and she knows it.

but i find myself craving
to touch her soft petals.
even if it means
piercing myself on her thorns.

she is a half-moon
on a star-filled night.
she is beautiful and distant
yet full of secrets.

but i still find myself begging
to see all of her.
even if it means traveling to the dark sky
and losing myself between the stars.

she is the rain
pouring down from the heavens.
she looks calm and gentle
but she has the power to destroy cities.

but i still find myself standing
outside in the pouring rain.
even if it means washing away
every part of me.

she is the flames
burning through the stones.
she is warm and dangerous
and capable of burning me.

but i still find myself reaching
to caress her flames.
even if it burns me
at least i could touch her.

she is the wind
howling above the earth.
she is cold and destructive
and i would be helpless in her path.

but i still find myself hoping
that her winds will hit my anyways.
even if it means
taking the air out of my breath.

she is the thorned rose
and the distant moon
and the pouring rain
and the burning flame
and the howling wind.

but i wish she would be mine.

Another Broken EternityWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt