have you ever

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have you ever met a person
that you never fell in love with?
you just talked with them
day after day
laughing and joking
and one day, finally saying
"shit i'm in love"

have you ever met a person
that made you feel extraordinary?
it was nothing specific they did
it was just their mere existence
that made you feel infinite and glorious and beautiful
the way that you should feel

have you ever met a person
that could deliver joy in a single smile?
a person that would lock eyes with you
across the room
and send your heart into a beating frenzy

have you ever met a person
that you killed yourself for?
someone that expects you
to tear your very soul apart
just to keep them warm
and they never give anything to you

have you ever met a person
that makes you promise to take a bullet for them?
a person who holds a gun to their head
and watches as you take it from their hands,
point it at yourself,
and shoot

have you ever met a person
who makes you feel everything and nothing?
a person who never tears you down
because they tell you to, and you do it
because it's all your fault to begin with

a person who expects you to be there
a person who plays with you
a person who hurts you
a person who takes away everything that was ever yours
a person who destroys your mind

have you ever been in love?

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