broken accordion

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red stains my lips
as i struggle to breathe

my brain is starving
for the oxygen that i lack

the stars twinkle mockingly outside my window,
illuminating all the empty space that is air i cannot breathe

the light grows dimmer
as my hazel eyes fall shut

into an iridescent sleep
from which i will never wake

. . .

. . .

. . .

and then i snap my eyes open,
gasping for air

choking on the breaths
that i shove down my own throat

my red lips now
pink and chapped

my brain attempting to stimulate
as my nerves send shocks through my bones

my mind only has one thought
and it repeats like a broken record:

i cannot breathe


i  c a n n o t  b r e a t h e

my lungs capsize
as if filled with fire from hell


like a broken accordion
that, no matter how hard i try, simply cannot play

the dry air rattles my lungs
and my gasping, futile breaths fade

my eyelids shut
and i fall back into that iridescent sleep

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