Chapter 19

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Sophia's POV

Today I'm going back home, if you want me to be honest I miss the O2l house its just so nice there and I didn't really spend a lot of time with Kian when I was there. He was busy when I wasn't, and I was busy when he wasn't, it just never worked out very well. Anyways Tori, Hayes and I are the only ones who are going home because we are to young, (Jack, Jack, Nash, Matt, Cam and Carter are on the yacht) (Taylor and Aaron in Nashville) (Jacob still keeping the fandom alive thank the gods). Pretty much everyones crying about us leaving, we genrally came close to all of the boys. We finally make it to the airport and they decide to walk us to our gate utill they go there seperate ways, first came Taylor, he look me in the eyes and did something I never expected he smiled, yeah I know it sounds strange but Taylor never smiled because he didn't like his braces, "Sophia your like the little sister I never had, stay intouch we can meet up in LA,"I quickly agreed and gave him the biggest hug, and moved on it was pretty much the same but then came Hayes this was going to be the hardest thing ever,

"Sophia, this isn't going to end this way, we will meet again one day maybe not soon but we will, we may date other people but I will never stop thinking about you, it's not going to be easy, but I will never stop, and I hope you don't ether,"
"Hayes, I love you so much, just don't forget about me,"
And that's when Tori drags me to our gate, I just wanted to hear that he loved me, but if he said that then I know that I would never leave the spot.

"That boy must really love you,"I hear a woman say to me.
"Yeah, but I love him as much as he loves me,"
She just laughs and walks to her seat on the plane.

That Woman's POV

I see two kids, they were saying there good byes I could see it in each others eyes they loved each other even at a young age.

Sophia's POV

That lady gave me hope that I would see him again and honestly thats all I need, I kept on thinking about that untill a lady taps me on the shoulder and told me I was standing in the middle of the plane, I then awkwardly walked to my window seat.

After the plane ride 

I tend to never sleep on planes so I was very tired  but I finally got up to look for Kian and the rest of the guys. I look around for around five minutes until I spot Kian, I walk over and tap his shoulder, "Kian?"I ask. When he turns around Kian pulls me into a hug and tells me how much he missed me. Finally family. 

One Year later

I'm still okay, yes I still think about him, but I came to say you know you love someone when you let them go, I still attend middle school with Tori and I have a very nice group of friends. I feel like it took me a year to finally have stuff back to normal. I decide to log on to twitter which was a very bad decison I always get tweeted to tell my story about Hayes but there was one tweet the caught my eye: @FvuckHaters(made up name): #tb to Sayes, its funny now they don't follow eachother anymore, I miss the old magcon fam. 
This inspired me to finally make the video everyone wants to know about,"Yo Kian! I'm making a vid don't go in my room," I yell getting a 'Okay' shouted back at me.

"Hey guys! It's SuperSophia!"I say doing my intro(kinda like Kians) "So it's been about a year since Hayes and I dated and you all wanted to know what happened so today I'm going to tell you,"
"After I went back home we were both heart broken, but about 6 months later we, forgot we agreed to keep eachother happy, he told me to go and find someone who would make me happy, I tried I have my best friends now  Tori, Teddy, and Henry but just friends I can never stop thinking about him and he probaly doesn't care anymore I mean I'm used to it right, I'm always forgotten so why try, love is evil spell it backwards," I say barely loud enough for my mic to pic up my voice, "And on our last date he gave me a ring he said he would never stop thinking about me, I just don't know what to belive anymore, Hayes if your watching this I hope you know I never took the ring off and even if you don't care anymore, I want to know that you said you caught your falling star but in reality I was just another star falling that you happened to catch, I don't think you relize what you mean to me, not the slightest clue,"I say whipping my tears just barely able to do my outro,"So I hope this answers all your questions, I don't think we plan on being back together. I'm sorry this wasn't the happiest video, but we don't love each other as I can see, I mean we don't even follow eachother on twitter, but I'll see you all next week!"I finish shuting the camera off. I decided not to edit it, theres no point, just make a thumbnail and that will be good. I tweet out,:SuperSophia: Aye guys video up in about 30 minutes, try not to cry lmao byee. Well I guess I'm done with that subject!

"Yo Kiki I'm going over to Toris house,"I say grabbing my penny board.

"Well I'm not Kian but okay,"I hear Sam say, I just nod my head as I walk out the door, and I start to text Tori.

S:Aye Meet at our spot at Taco Bell with Teddy and Henry?

T: Sure girl they are already there tho we got to get there now!

I don't respond I just race down there and I walk into Taco Bell to see my usual and my two favorite boys at our usual table,"Hello fuckers," I say walking up to them, and I get a hello back. Thats when Tori runs in  screaming at me to cheek my twitter I open the app and go to my mentions and I see a tweet, 

@HayesGrier: Aye @SuperSophia wanna follow back long time no see.



Word count: 1123

Hey guys so I just watched perks of being a wallflower I cried every 5 minutes  so I have a vine account and an insta and a twitter 

Insta: ActuallyEspinosa

Vine: Internet KIds (with the finger peice sign emoji)

Twitter: 13myass

Love you all

Catch a Falling Star(Hayes Grier/Magcon fanfiction)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя