Sad note

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Hey so I won't be updating I know I know but all this stuff with Carter, Nash,Hayes, and Cam is really breaking me apart but it's not them it's their management and I just cried for an hour straight and I can't take it I'm an emotional wreak right now and I just can't take it I have been here since the start and now it's all falling apart I can't take it it makes me so sad and I can't see life without them the brighten my dat and I just can't update this Hayes fanfic knowing he won't be in Magcon but I still love him I lost no respect for him nor any other of they boy but I just don't under stand how can
There be 9 at the start
To 12
To only 8
I'm such a devoted fan and when they were in NJ it was their last time together for a long time I knew this was gonna happen but it's happening too soon and I can't take it I honestly can't, I love them so much and it breaks my heart to see them leave but you can't hate on them it's the stupid 26MGMT people who MADE THEM LEAVE honestly it sucks cock but I mean we still have them right they will always be our family and no matter what I'll support them but I can't update it breaks me down to much and now people are calling me a baby bc I was crying over these boys and I am highly bullied and these boys make me smile I will update when I can get my shit together but for now this is SuperSophia signing off

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