Chapter 18

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"Sophia, Carter is going to bring you to the last and finally spot, I love you," I again just nod my head while Carter walks me to the last destination, I was told to close my eyes and if on cue I did (what the fuck did I just write ah I don't even) I was finally stopped and was allowed to open my eyes and when I did I felt a tear fall from my eye wow life just got one million times better.

End of recap

I didn't know how to react, no one has ever done anything like this for me. There is a picnic on a small hill while music is lightly playing. I walk up to him tears I just whipped away rim my eyes yet again. he whisper to me,"You're to beautiful to cry Sophia," I couldn't stop it was just so sweet and kind, I think of so many words I could say back but the only thing I could think about was that it was out last date before we go back home. My tears of joy turned into tears of sadness. I couldn't be sad on such an amazing date like this but I won't see him for the longest time. He noticed and came over to me and asked what was wrong, I decide to tell him, everything,

"Hayes, I love you so much and this means the world to me but I can't help to think that this is the last date, hug, kiss for the longest time, I hate that you won't be able to hold my hand when I am nervous, or make fun of my obnoxious rap music, I just will miss you so much, I will break down and fall apart and you won't be there for me, I feel in love with you, I don't know why, but I just did, and I'm glad I did. Honestly when I first saw you I had no idea that you would mean so much to me. The truth? I like you. A lot. You make me happy. You make me laugh. You're smart. You're different. You're a little bit crazy and awkward and your smile alone can make my day."I say my words barely coming out.All he does is looks me in the eyes and tells me,
"Sophia, I love you, I brought you on this date to tell you that no matter what happens were we go that I will never stop loving you, sometimes its hard to let go, but its sometimes even harder to hold on, we are having our last date tonight but it's going to be the best of all."

Yes, you heard it right, Hayes and I just broke up. So now I'm not Hayes Griers girlfriend but he still loves me I still love him, tonight I realized how strong the word love is, you can say it as 'love you' as a joke but when you really mean it, you can take it seriously or not. But tonight I know that I love him and that's final.

After the picnic

I though after the picnic was the end of the date but I was wrong, the boys and Hayes brought us to an abandoned trampoline place. The nets on the trap were all ripped up yet the trapoline was compleatly fine and safe. He brought me up to the traps, he was doing flips and tricks, me being the lame person I am didn't know how to 'do any of that stuff. I didn't tell Hayes because I didn't want him to baby me, but him being the smart child he is he found out and told me to come with him, he wanted to teach me some tricks,"Okay, babe I'm going to put my hand on your back while youy try to flip okay?"He asks, while I just nod my head. I came out pretty sucsesful but very tired so we decided to head back to the hotel. I was about to get into the limo before Hayes pulled me back he looked me in they eyes and said, 
"Sophia, I want you to acept this promise ring, becuase I promise you I will never stop loving you,"He then pulls out a promise ring,and it says on the outside,"We are just catching a falling star' 
and on the inside it says,'Soon we will be written in the stars' 

"I have to acept Hayes, I will never forget about you, ever,"I reply.

He puts the ring on my finger, I just hope will stop catching and we will be written, soon I hope. 

I hop into the car and I see Tori I walk over and sit  next to her, when she wispers"Will you ever stop loving him?"
I simply reply with, "Never, I promised,"


Hey I decided to continue, thanks to Tori for talking me out of deleting my whole account, guys is it bad I cried a little.

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