The Truth-2

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**Godt's POV**

I left Arthit to his hotel yesterday but I just couldn't stop thinking about him. I just had to see him once again to know he's alright. This is wrong, I know I shouldn't be here but I couldn't help it. I was sitting in the lobby of his hotel contemplating whether or not to go and see him. But before I could make up my mind I saw him, he looked like he has lost everything in his life and was walking so sadly towards his room and dropped his phone. I went and picked it up and decided to follow him to his room. He didn't even notice me, I was right beside him but he didn't even look at me once. I guess he must have broken up with his boyfriend. I just wanted to hug him and tell him he did the right thing but I don't know why I couldn't and he went inside his room.

I still had his phone with me. Some "0062" was continuously calling him and I assumed it to be his boyfriend and opened their texts. Arthit had texted this guy so much but he had not once replied properly. What did he think of himself? How could he just treat him so badly and cheat on him and I decided to text him.

"Stop calling me, I am done with you. We are over. Why can't you understand it now? I don't want you in my life anymore. I am bored of you and everything about you. Just leave me alone. I want to try new things in life and do something that I enjoy. I don't want you to be in my future, just stop calling me"

"Please at least talk to me once" he replied. What did he want from Arthit now?

"What part of I'm bored of you did you not understand? YOU ARE BORING, I don't want to do anything with you anymore, I don't have any feelings left for you. I need space. If you ever once liked me just stop texting me and calling me". I replied and the guy didn't reply back.

I deleted our texts and his call log and told the receptionist to give the phone back to Arthit.


**Kong's Pov**

I was sitting in front of Arthit's dorm and when he texted me. Was he bored of me? Am I boring? Why didn't he tell me before? I would have changed everything about myself if he didn't like me. Was he suffocating in our relationship all this time? He just did whatever I wanted to and I was so blind to not see how much he was suffering.

I waited the entire day for him to return but he didn't, I didn't eat anything and just cried and cried. He didn't come back the next day too. I don't know where he is but I'm not going to leave until I see him once. The day after that I was just sitting there when P'Dak came, he lived next door to Arthit and I think he has graduated this year, he was taking a box with him and I saw his room was empty, he must be moving out.

"Hey, kong, woah... what happened dude?" He asked looking at my lifeless face.

"Nothing P', I'm waiting for P'Arthit to return" I told him.

"Did you guys have a fight? He took a bag with him when he left, he even told me that he's going to stay with his parents in the coming holidays so I guess he must have left for his hometown, there's no point of waiting for him here. You should talk to him once College re-opens" he told me and left.

I thought about, yes Arthit told me he's going to stay with his parents. How can I just forget that? Now I just can't go to his hometown. I don't want to meet his parents like this. What will they think of me if I went to meet Arthit like this? Arthit probably had not even told his parents about us yet. No, I can't cause any more trouble for him. I'll wait till he comes back.


**Bright's Pov**

After drinking with Arthit last night I realised this was serious. This is not just another silly fight between them. My heart broke when I saw Arthit crying in Knott's arms last night. I just couldn't take it. Why did that 0062 have to break my Oon's heart? I wanted to kill him. Knott took Arthit out for a walk and me, Toota and Prem were alone in the room.

For the first time in life, we didn't have anything to talk about. Hell, I was speechless. What should we do about all this? I checked Arthit's phone. I read their chats, I couldn't believe it. Our ever so Fierce and Egoistic Arthit had sent so many texts to that guy and he didn't even reply to any of them. What did he think of himself? And I played the audio. We all looked at each other in disbelief, Arthit the great had said all this to that guy and he didn't say anything.

"That's it, I'm getting Arthit another Number and I'll not let that bastard see Arthit anymore" Prem shouted.

And we all agreed and took out his sim card.


**Kong's pov**

After coming back to complete the project, I took out my phone and charged it. After taking a shower, I came back and started texting Arthit again.

Even though he told me not text him, I am not going to stop. This is not how I'm going to let him go. I texted him day and night about how sorry I am, how I'll change everything about me. Just another chance is all I need. I just need to see him once. I would text him about how my day went and ask him what did he do but as usual, he never responded.

I should have probably stopped texting him but I couldn't this was the only thing keeping me sane all this time.

Finally, time to go back to the college came and I was all prepared to ask Arthit to forgive me for whatever I've done and take me back. I'll even beg him if he wants me to. I'm just too desperate for him.

Before that my oldest sister P'Sa was also in the same area and asked me to meet her. I was not that thrilled to meet her because she can usually sense if anything's wrong with me but reluctantly agreed.

"Wow, what happened to you bro?" She asked.

"Haha what do you mean P', don't I look handsome as always" I asked.

"You do but you also look sad and you have lost weight, is everything ok? You know na you can talk to me?" She again asked.

"Yeah P' I know" I said.

We sat in silence for a while but then P' decided to speak.

"Ahh, come on spill it I can't take it" she asked, I know she just knows whenever something is wrong.

"Ah nothing P', there is this friend of mine his boyfriend broke up with him and told him he needed space and wants to try new things and all, my friend he's so sad about it and just don't know how to bring him back, he just can't let him go like that, right?" I told her.

"Well kong, I think your friend should give it some time, his boyfriend may really want to be alone for a while, right? I think he should give him some time and space and not just force him to stay back with him even though he doesn't want to, what right does he have to do that? I think it's better if you give him some time and let him sort out his feelings, if he really loved your friend he will come back to him and if he didn't come back himself then only your friend should talk to him but if his boyfriend really don't love home there's no point of forcing him right?" P'Sa explained to me.

"I guess you are right P'" I told her and we went our ways after talking some more.

I think P'Sa is right, I shouldn't force Arthit, I don't want him to hate me even more. I don't want to push him away from me. If he wants space from me, that's what I'm going to give him. I can't really make him do anything he doesn't want to. I mean what right do I have over him? Am I his no one now? Wel, he doesn't want me. Maybe if I didn't approach him too much, maybe he'll come back to me, he'll realise that he also loves me. Yes, I should accept the fact that he is my ex. Yes, just an ex that I may still have lingering feelings for, Well, at least for now. I'm willing to wait all my life if it's him, I'll wait as long as it takes.




Oh oh the BIG REVEAL, ok so are you guys satisfied with it? kong never cheated on Arthit as many of you even guessed it, he just never asked Arthit properly what is going on and just listened to others advice and ended up creating more misunderstandings between them. Same goes for Arthit too.

And now we know what actually happened, wg

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