End of Chase

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**Kongpop's POV**

I was having way too much fun with playing with my baby Oon. He's just so cute whatever he does to "Make me his", it's funny most of the time I mean he's genuinely trying to flirt with me but I don't know he looks so cute doing so and I can't help and tease him.

Haha, I know I shouldn't tease him when he's trying so hard but it's so amusing and then he also ends up sulking when he's not able to tease me back, I mean come on I would do anything to see his sulking pout it's just way too cute and as I've told him before " His angry Face is So Cute" so I can't help it.

Few more days went by and his so-called "Chase" continued. But I can see it, he's starting to get irritated with it now as he's already not very good at flirting and especially flirting with me, my Sun. But of course, he won't say anything and just remain to be stubborn and will continue this.

I was packing my bag to leave for home as we have a long weekend this time and my parents and sisters gave me the ultimatum to either come home this week or never again, gosh not only my boyfriend even my family is so dramatic.

But I can't even blame them, I mean ever since I came back to campus I didn't go back to visit them even once, well my mind was mostly occupied with P'Arthit and our break-up and I was pretending to be good and not affected by him in front of everyone so I didn't have the strength to go back and pretend to be happy in front of my family too.

Well, everything is good now and I'm finally happy, I can meet my family and can genuinely enjoy with them especially my nieces they sounded so excited over the phone when I told them I was coming home.

To be honest, I'm sort of sad too I knew P'Arthit must have been looking forward to this weekend as I knew he was planning a special date or something of that sort to "Woo" me and of course I know about this because he's not a great liar and he's very careless with things I mean I even saw some  receipts on the table but pretended that I didn't as I didn't want to ruin his surprise but now I'll have to go back to my home now I don't even know what I'm feeling I'm happy but I'm sad for Arthit too.

**Calling Arthit**

Kong: "Hello P"

Arthit: "what's up?"

Kong: " Nothing much P', where are you?"

Arthit: " Umm... I'm at the ma... I'm  home, why?"

Haha my Oon, yeah sure babe I'm totally convinced now that you are at home and not at the "Ma... Mall". But I decided to let him be.

Kong: " P', I'm sorry.."

Arthit: " What happened now? Is everything ok? Are you okay? Do you want me to come over?"

Kong: " Haha, Omg, Chill for a sec Oon, listen to me, I'm sorry I have to go back home this week so I won't be able to spend time with you"

Arthit: " Oh, you are going back home, it's good you haven't met your family in so long, yeah why don't you go back often huh? They are your parents Kong, they must miss you and want to know what's going on your life, it's not very nice you know even I go back home often na? Well it's great at least you are going now"

He gave me full on speech, well I know he didn't say anything but I could feel he was sad, his voice was a bit sad and I know this is how he hides his actual feelings by giving me a lecture and not tell me his feelings and that he is sad or anything.

Kong: " God, you sound just like my Mom now P' Arthit" I replied chuckling.

Arthit: " Of course, great minds think alike and both me and mom are just great don't you agree?"

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