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Things got hectic for the both of them after their sweet time together and they were not able to be with each other much. Kong was busy with the new program which he was leading along with being the moon of the campus and a full-time student and not to mention preparing for being in the hazing team in his second year and Arthit being at the end of his third year was busy with the projects, assignments and other stuff, classes were much more difficult and he was looking for internships and projects he can join to boost his career. They used to talk over phone and chat but not too long since both didn't want the other to get disturbed and would just call if they missed each other too much and would meet each other but not too long.

Arthit didn't like this situation but he was not as sad about it as he used to be. Kongpop's continuous confessions and loving cheesy lines had finally started to get through his thick skull and he started trusting his boyfriend and knew wherever he was, he would also be missing Arthit and thinking about him and this somehow comforted him just knowing that kongpop was his and this is enough for the shorter guy.

Arthit had some free time and he knew kongpop was free too, so he decided to surprise him by visiting him in his class as mostly kongpop came to his class because Arthit didn't like going to Kong's class as he felt shy to be with his boyfriend in front of his juniors, after all, he was their Head Hazer, he had a reputation to maintain.

He found Kong in one of the meeting rooms for his project, he was sitting alone and was in deep thoughts, and he came closer and gave him a side hug, Kong jumped slightly, that was new for Arthit as usually, he was the one to jump in such situations and not Kong as he was not very absent minded about his surroundings like Arthit, what has happened Arthit thought and asked him the same.

"Nothing P', I was just too busy thinking about you and didn't knew you came" Kong told him smiling, Arthit knew Kong was lying but decided to let it go and Kong would tell him when he feels comfortable, he was genuinely so happy to see the younger guy, it has been so long since they've met properly, so he decided to ask him to go out if he was not busy but Kong got called into the Dean's office.

After coming back, Kong looked slightly more lost and sad and before Arthit could ask him anything, he said "P' can I go back to my dorm first? I really don't feel like doing anything."

"Sure Kong, you go ahead" Arthit replied.

"Do you want to go together?" Kong asked.

"No, you go and rest, I'll come back after some time" Arthit told him and they went on their ways.

Arthit actually didn't have anything to do but he didn't like his boyfriend looking all dejected and sad and decided to bring him his favorite food from his favorite place near the campus and then ask him about the situation and help him if he can or just be there for him.

As he was on his way when he met the dean and greeted him, dean saw him and said "oh, Arthit nice to see you, you didn't have classes today right?"

"Yes Sir, I was here to meet Kongpop, my b... Uh... junior" Arthit said and mentally scolded himself for almost calling him his boyfriend.

"Oh yeah, you were his head hazer right?" Dean asked.

"Yes, sir," Arthit said and his boyfriend too he thought and smiled a little.

"Good, can I ask you to do something Arthit, please knock some sense into him" Dean asked Arthit.

"I don't understand, sir" Arthit said confused.

"Well, as you know the college linking program he was leading is at its last stage from our side but the leader will have to spend some time in two other colleges and work from there but he is refusing to do so, if you see him again just tell him how big this opportunity is and if he refused to do it now, college will have to send someone else from the team and his efforts and credit will be transferred to him/her too." Dean explained.

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