And I Was So Lucky

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Arthit saw her before kong and excused himself, kong was confused why did he leave so suddenly but then shrugged it off. Apple came and hugged kong and then sat beside him, where all the juniors along with May, Maprang, and Praepalin were sitting, all of the girls were smiling looking at Apple.

Arthit was feeling stupid, he had started to think that maybe kong was affected by his presence, he still had feelings for him and maybe he was regretting what happened in that college. But of course not, here was kong sitting with the love of his life and was introducing her to his friends. Seriously Arthit, you really are pitiful he thought.

He went back to his friends and everyone started drinking and enjoying the mood, Arthit also had lightened up and enjoying himself with drinks and laughing due to the stupid antics of his friends. Only a Drunk Bright is worse than Sober Bright but he was funny at least.

Godt and Arthit were sitting together in the corner and were too close according to kong but he didn't say anything, I mean what can he possibly say, Arthit was not his boyfriend. All of them then just started dancing and have a good time and May and Arthit ended up taking and kong was watching them but he wasn't jealous since he knew May liked Aim now and he knew Arthit didn't like May for sure.

After talking some random drunk bullshit with May, Arthit went around another corner and saw Apple kiss Praepalin, he was shocked to see that, was Apple cheating on kong now? What is happening right now? But kong didn't look that upset watching them, did they broke up again? Well whatever this is none of his business, even if they broke up that doesn't mean kong and him will get back together.

Then Godt came around and said "Let's dance" in his ears and Arthit jumped a little.

"Why do you always have to scare me like that" he asked looking a little flushed due to drinking and pouting.

"Because it's fun plus you pout after getting scared" Godt replied laughing and then added,        "Come let's dance".

"In case you remember, I sprained my ankle and can't dance, you were the one who treated me you idiot" Arthit reminded him.

"Oh, I remember but I'll hold you don't worry, I won't let you fall" he said and started dragging him. Arthit also gave up and went along.

Then Arthit heard the song which was playing, it was one of the most favorites of Arthit and kongpop's too but due to some other reason.


Kong was coming back from class, his last class got canceled, Arthit didn't have classes today so he was in his dorm and then he thought about surprising his boyfriend with Nomyen. And he went to Arthit's room with the same, unannounced.

As he expected, Arthit's door was open, he sometimes would leave his door open and kong would again nag him about it but of course, Arthit didn't listen.

Kong went inside without making any noise and he was going to look for him when he heard some song was playing on the speaker but what he saw surprised him the most.

Arthit had probably taken a shower as he was in a bathrobe and what amused Kong was that Arthit was dancing, not just dancing he was doing a full on seducing performance, his moves were so sexy and he was stripping in between a little. Kong was feeling so lucky that he decided to drop by.

Only a stripping Arthit is better than a cute Arthit he thought, he was getting so excited and turned on just by looking at him, this was something he never thought, he would see in his life. He was just thanking his lucky stars continuosly.

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