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Arthit arrived in the city and was so excited to finally see his stupid perfect boyfriend and makeup with him and have a good time but he was unaware of the events that were going to happen today. He didn't know that nothing good will happen today for him and this day will become the worst day of his life.

He had booked a hotel room somewhere around the campus and decided to just relax a little before heading out to surprise his boyfriend on the college campus. After a while when he was satisfied with the effort he had put to look good, he booked a taxi and went on his way to the campus and meet his boyfriend after so long.

The campus was about half an hour away, so Arthit was looking out of his window and admiring the view of the new city when somewhere around he saw a guy looking desperate for a ride and he was also wearing the uniform of the college where Arthit was heading. Arthit was in a good mood and decided to help the stranger and asked the driver to stop as looking around the area there were not many people around, so the guy will have to wait for long for a taxi.

" Hey, thank you for stopping," the guy said.

" Nah, it's fine" Arthit replied.

" No like seriously, I've been standing here for so long and no one stopped their car or taxi, I'm headed to the college campus, so it would be great if you could give me a ride to the end of the area there are more taxi and people around there then I'll find my way" the guy asked Arthit pleadingly.

" I'm also going to the campus, so you can ride with me it's fine by me" Arthit told the guy.

" Thank you so much" The guy said after getting into the taxi.

" Mention not" Arthit replied.

" You are seriously a savior you know I thought, I was going to stay here until the night" The guy told Arthit.

" Haha, it's ok, I'm also a college student and I understand when you are running late and situations like this, so I decided to help you" Arthit replied, as there were many times he was in such situations and was rescued by his friends or his dear boyfriend.

" Really, that's cool, by the way I'm Pitcher and you are?" The guy said.

" I'm Arthit, nice meeting you pitcher" Arthit told him.

" Same here man, I'm in my third year, what about you?" Pitcher asked.

" Really? me too" Arthit told him.

" That's nice, I am assuming, you are not from our campus, so what brings you here Arthit?" Pitcher asked staring a little too much at Arthit.

" I'm here to see my boyfriend" Arthit told him blushing a little.

" Thought so" Pitcher added.

They talked about down random stuff about college and studies. They reached the campus in no time.

After the taxi driver drove away, Pitcher once again thanked him and they both went on their way.

Arthit was in no hurry to see kongpop, he was just so happy to be in the same vicinity his boyfriend is. He was looking around the campus to see where kong has spent his last few days and how the place actually is and look for his boyfriend instead of calling him.

And then he saw him, his kong , he can recognize him even from a mile away. He was standing at a distance and didn't see him, so Arthit decided to text him to ask him where he is, just to play with him a little. Before he could get a reply, his smile dropped a little as a girl came and hugged his boyfriend and they both were smiling at each other. 

Arthit was confused, to say the least, who was she and why was she hugging my kong. Before Arthit was sure that kong probably would have announced it to the whole campus that he was dating someone and was not interested but the reality is so different in front of his eyes, what is happening? Before he could decide to confront him someone came beside him.

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