We Are Your Friends

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The morning after another day has passed came and he finally opened his eyes and made a promise to not pity himself anymore for being the way he is and not to change just because a certain junior didn't love him.

He throws himself out of his bed and walked to the bathroom and glanced himself in the mirror, his eyes were red and puffy due to crying so much, he splashed some water on his face and tried to bring himself to smile but he could not.

"Baby steps Arthit baby steps" he told himself.

After taking a quick shower and changing into some casual clothes he came back to the room and put his dirty clothes into the bag, he had put so much effort in putting together that outfit for meeting kong only if he knew that it was going to end that way.

After a few hours, he finally reached back to his campus in Bangkok and came back to his dorm.As he opened his room he looked around and saw many things of his ex-boyfriend there, he took out a box and after putting all that stuff into that box, he sat down on his bed and broke down once again and then slept for a while.

When he finally woke up it was 9:00 pm and someone was knocking on his door, his heart skipped a beat thinking that it might be kong but when he opened the door he was face to face with his best friend Knott.

"Wow, you look like shit" Knott said looking at my face.

"Thanks, I really needed to hear that" I replied rolling my eyes at him.

"What I mean is you don't look alright, what happened with kong, is everything ok?" Knott said with concern in his voice.

"I broke up with him, yes I'm ok now," I said turning my back towards him and walking towards my bed.

"Well you don't look ok to me" Knott said following me.

There was complete silence in the room for a while so I decided to speak up first.

"I am ok now Knott, you don't have to stress over me, you are already stressed out with college and your own issues, you can go ahead and do other important things instead of showing me that you care and all that." I said hoping to make him change the topic.

"Look here Arthit, I am really going to hit you now if you say some stupid shit like this again, stop playing and tell me what happened and yeah I've texted the gang they are on their way" Knott informed me.

"Knott why did you text all of them, I told you I'm ok now" I said slightly raising my voice.

"Shut up Arthit, Knott is not only your only friend you know we are also your friends" said Bright looking annoyed with me.

"Oh my god, do you guys really don't have a life and how are you all here it's not even been minutes since Knott texted you" I said looking at my friends in disbelief.

"Well we were already on your way to your dorm when Knott texted us, it's like we are telepathic or something, we always know when you will be needing us Arthit" Toota said putting his arm around me and patting my shoulder a little.

I sighed and looked at the bag of beer bottles bright was holding then asked him "why did you bring beer, it's not a fucking party, bright".

"Well we were going to drink this to have fun and play video games with you my dear friend and then maybe have a little party and then maybe only maybe invite the new freshy girls living next to your dorm but after what Knott told me aren't you grateful I bought so many beers, now you can get drunk and cry your heart out for that 0062" bright said looking all proud of himself.

This earned him a smack on his head by Prem, who was standing quietly till now and finally asked me " What did 0062 do Arthit, did he break up with you, don't worry I'll get him back to his senses, you guys in?" He said looking at the others.

" No Prem, he didn't break up with me I did, and no you don't need to knock sense into him, I'm ok with my decision" I said looking at them with my head-hazer voice.

Of course, this didn't scare them or made them uneasy at all.

"Listen Arthit, if you don't want to tell us it's ok, we understand. We can wait until you want to tell us and it's ok if you don't want too, it's your choice. But you don't have to pretend to be okay in front of us you know that right" Knott said looking straight into my eyes as if trying to make me understand that.

I looked down for a second took a deep breath and told them " fine pass me the beer and yes I'm not ok are you guys happy now?".

"Yes, very" they said in unison.

"Hey, Arthit when was the last time you ate?" Toota asked looking at my pale body and dark circles.

"I don't know morning before yesterday I guess" I replied but almost as if whispering looking down.

"Dude, I mean I know you broke up with your husband but how can a person not eat for two days, it's beyond me you know" bright said looking at me in disbelief, then added " you know if toota doesn't eat every hour, he actually passes out" with all seriousness.

"Wtf bright" toota yelled at bright and passed me the porridge and snacks he brought with him.

As I finally started eating the porridge and started talking to my weird as fuck friends, I realized how much they all care about me and love me and felt grateful towards them

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As I finally started eating the porridge and started talking to my weird as fuck friends, I realized how much they all care about me and love me and felt grateful towards them.

We continued our drinking session till late night since it was Sunday tomorrow. Bright was the first one to drink too much and pass out and Toota joined him not so long after, followed by Prem. I was gulping down beer one after another to ease the pain within myself and suddenly Knott came and took the beer away from me and said it's enough. I couldn't control myself anymore. I hugged him tight and started crying, I don't care if he thinks I'm a weak little boy after this but I needed this, I needed my best friend or maybe it was all due to all the alcohol I drank.

"It's gonna be ok na, Knott?" I asked him looking at him with pleading and sad eyes.

"Yes, Oon it's gonna be alright, I'm I mean we all are here for you, don't worry ok" Knott said to me hugging me tightly.

I finally find myself relaxing a little, yes I'm gonna be ok, everything is gonna be ok. And then closed my eyes too I was tired, too tired of everything and threw myself on the bed to sleep.

Not long after I heard my friends murmuring and making some noise and lastly the sound of the door closing.


What do you guys think of this chapter? Please do let me know in the comments.

From next chapter, I'll start writing about their relationship and a bit happy and fluff filled chapters.

Thanks for reading.      

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