"Aye!" I turned and seen Rayan and Ej they both jogged up to me and gave me dap.

"You know who lives here?" I questionses Rayan nodded cheesing.

"Hell yes one of the hottest girl in our school and her sister."

"Look at little Santo." Ej joked Chresanto looked at him.

'The only little one here is you shut up.' Ej looked at me confused. I laughed but stopped because my stomach was starting to hurt.

"He said the only little one here is you shut up." Ej shook his head and nudged his arm.

"Lets get turned up!"

Once we entered the house there was drinks in every bodies hands people grinding on each other and what looked like joints being passed around. I pulled Chresanto in by his waist and whispered into his ear so he could hear me. His arm snaked around mine as well.

"If any one offers you a smoke do not take it and only have one or two drinks nothing more lastly do not try to have sex with any of these girls for all we know they are all dirty." He pulled away still holding my waist I slapped his hand off as he smiled.

'Don't worry about me worry about your self you know how you get when you drink.' He signed letting out a loud laugh walking away into the crowd of people.

"Im not playing!" I yelled over the loud music. I put my hand under my shirt and rubbed my stomach. "This shit hurts." I walked over to the bar and took a seat. Maybe one drink to get rid of the pain.

"What can I get for you pretty boy." I smiled at the girl and shrugged.

"Something light." She winked at me and walked to the side I spun around in my chair and watched as every one danced. Moments later she came back placing this cute little drink in front of me it had a mini bottle of liquor on the top and different sour candies laying around the ice that filled most of the cup along with blue juice I looked at the girl and chuckled.

"This don't look like something light ma." She bit her lip and leaned over the counter.

"That's probably the lightest drink we have but if you cant handle it like a big boy I can surely get you something like water." I licked my lips and leaned in so our faces were inches apart.

"I can handle it." I said cockily pulling away she laughed and nodded her head.

"Enjoy your drink." She said walking away I grabbed the drink before I even took a sip I got that sour taste in my mouth I swallowed the lump in my drunk and took a sip.

"Not bad." I said to my self taking a bigger sip.

Next thing I knew I was feeling GREAT!

"Jacob get down!" I heard some yell I looked down from the table to see Ej I laughed and swatted him away I continued to grind making many girls yell. Horny fucks I thought to my self I jumped down as strobe lights came on my eyes widen as house music began blasting out the speakers. I walked onto the dance floor and started to dance crazy I wasn't even sure what the hell I was doing.

"Yo try this bruh."I turned around and seen some kid holding me a joint I took it and took a large puff before giving it back. It took that one hit to get me fucked up. My vision started to blur as I danced with every body. I walked over to the stairs and made my way up stairs holding onto the railing with two hands I laughed and looked down. Damn I thought to my self up stairs was huge! There's like 6 different rooms. There was only one I was looking for and that was the bathroom room so I silently peeked in each rooms I came across one where two girls were tongue fucking each other.

"Yes!" I yelled busting out into a fit of laughter I closed the door and walked over to the next one shit it was dark so Im assuming this is where the bathroom must be I walked in closing the door. I walked over to the wall feeling around until I felt a knob I opened it slightly and walked in. "Bingo!" I pulled down my pants I had to really go so I peed in the tube. Haha my bad. After I was down I ran the water un aware some one walked in. I walked out into the dark room.

"Helllooo." I sang walking back where I came bumping into some one. "Damn." I whispered feeling the persons chest either this is one flat chested girl or one built boy.

Before I knew it I was on the bed with this unknown person wrestling our clothes as our lips were attacking each others. After finally getting naked I was flipped onto my back.

"OH MY!" I yelled as I felt something big very big enter my back side.

"Wow no." I protested trying to push the person away but my hands were pinned above my head the person started to thrust into me slowly before picking up his pace.

"Argh jesus!" I gasped as the feeling became more of a pleasure feelings. I closed my eyes shut tightly as the sound of this unknown person grunted and groaned turned me on in a sorta weird way. Before anything got too heated I flipped us over and entered him earning a squeal from him. I smirked and placed my hands on his.. Toned chest and started pumping my self in and outa him. No words were exchanged the whole time only noises such as grunting , groaning , moaning and our skin slapping against each other. As i felt my self swell I was pushed onto my back with my body pinned down. This is the most active I been during sex well with a boy.. I don't even know if that's a good thing. But it wasn't that way for long because I climbed on top once again but this time straddling him. His hands gripped my waist and pushed me down onto his harden length I screeched at how sudden that was but went with the flow I took the guys hand off my waist and made his grab ahold of my shaft he gripped it tightly and started to fastly pump I threw my head back and bounced up and down before I knew It my vision started to become blurry as white took over not only was I was about to come but the person was to.


My eyes opened the sun shined through the window this sure as hell wasn't my room or my bed. I stood up and felt a sharp pain in my ass. I looked down and noticed I was naked my eyes widen as I started to panic. "Tell me I did not fuck no girl here!" I yelled I looked all over the floor for my pants. Once I found them I found a familiar pair I bent down and picked them up.

"I think I'm going to be sick!" I ran over to the bathroom and threw up. I stood up and walked over to the mirror I looked a mess. Maybe Im dreaming. I splashed cold water in my face and walked out to see- to see my- my brother when he seen me he jumped and pulled the pillow in front of his exposed member.

"Santo please please pleaseee tell me we didn't do what I think we did." I stressed. He looked at me then our clothes scattered around us. Putting the pieces together he finally made eye contact with me again.

'I think we did bro.' The pillow dropped I covered my eyes and screamed.


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