Chapter 8 - It wasn't me!

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EDITED 28/06/2015


Chapter 8 - It wasn't me!

The next morning my muscles groaned, I had been working them hard lately. Walking into home room I lay on my desk wanting nothing more than to fall asleep. I was about to drift off when I felt someone standing over me. I expected to see Mrs Page but instead it was Victoria and her two sidekicks.

"I know it was you Alexis" she snarled angrily down at me. I just looked up at her sleepily,

"What are you talking about?" I asked through a yawn,

"You trashed my car at the party. I know it was you." she screamed in her high pitched voice that must have made every dog in a ten mile radius wince.

"What?" I asked, still not processing what was going on. She was about to reply when Mrs Page walked through the door and told everyone to settle down, while she ran through the morning announcements. I left the room quickly, too tired to have an argument with the Victoria. In English I told Jess what had happened, "The most annoying thing about it all, is that I wish I had vandalised her car. It was genius" I giggled.

My day didn't get any better when I entered my Spanish class, Sonora Rodriguez put us into pairs to complete a speaking task. We had to hold a complex conversation with each other for the whole lesson while she marked us. Not only did the task count as a quarter of our overall grade, but I was also paired with Jackass. We stared at each other for the first five minutes both determined not to speak first.

"What is it that compelled you to annoy Vicky?" Jackass suddenly asked in perfect Spanish, "Excuse me?" I replied, did he seriously think I vandalised her car?

"Well you seem to make it your goal to become everyone's target. Why do you need to be the centre of attention" he barked back making me angrily.

"Alright Firstly, I'm not trying to get everyone's attention, I just don't like that stupid slut. Secondly, I didn't even vandalise her car, it wasn't me who did it, although I must admit I wish I had. Thirdly, what has it got to do with you?" I ranted in Spanish before standing from my seat and walking over to Sonora Rodriguez, I asked her politely if I could switch partners as I felt that I couldn't work well with Jackass and she quickly agreed. She had heard the argument between us. I worked with Carlos for the rest of the lesson talking about travelling and all the places we had seen.

At the end of the class I walked to history, entering the room to meet a heated argument between Victoria and Jessica. They were standing in the middle of the room with everyone watching the show silently.

"Only Alexis and her band of losers could have vandalised my car" Victoria shouted causing Jess to grit her teeth as I walked over to her.

"Listen slut how many times do I have to say it, we didn't have anything to do with your car getting egged" I interrupted giggling at the image that flashed in my mind of Victoria's car covered in shaving foam and eggs.

"If you didn't do it then why are you both laughing?" Victoria screeched, when Jess joined in with my laughter,

"Because whoever did do it, was a genius" Jess laughed clutching her stomach,

"Face it 'Vicky' a lot of people don't like you. Looks like you don't run this school after all." I said turning to take my seat, leaving Victoria shocked in the middle of class when Mr Johnson walked in.

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