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First the sound went. Everything mushed together into a storm of voices and claps until it was all gone. Only the steady beat of my feet on the pavement. Or maybe it's my heart beating in my ears.

My gaze narrows becoming unfocused around the edges. Tunnel vision doesn't describe it. I'm seeing everything and nothing all at once.

I take in a deep breath almost if I had forgotten how to breathe. My muscles become heavy, but not from my Drell. I almost let out a laugh. It is the most real thing I've felt this year.

I'm tired. My legs are just tired. It is a result of running as fast as I can across the field, through the school, and up flight after flight of stairs.

Up, up, up and the only thing on my mind is getting there on time. Every second passing faster than the last.

It had taken me longer then expected back in the surveillance room to locate Adrian's room. Maybe because I was shaken to core at what I had learned. Maybe because I knew deep down that there was nothing I could do.

I drive my foot hard into the door hearing a loud satisfying boom but not watching the door open in front of me. I huff in frustration before twisting the door nob and practically falling through the door.

I look around frantically and rush through the room as if I could will him to appear. As if I'm seeing something wrong or I'm mistaken. But I am not.

The room is empty.

"Adrian?" I call into the empty room. "Adrian?" I call a little louder.

I am too invested to give up. To admit that he's probably long gone.

So I run. Hard and fast up to Gwen's room where he could be waiting for her. Just maybe.

"Adrian!" I rush frantically through the door to see clothes everywhere. I tare the covers off the first bed finding it empty.

"Well you certainly-" Adrian's snide comment is cut off from a set of loud dangerous coughs. "-know how to make entrance." Adrian tries to smile but it appears as more of a grimace.

I rush over to his bedside across the room. The relief of seeing him alive comes in a wave almost painful.

"I came as fast I could. I'm sorry. You have no idea how hard it is to steal a helicopter but I sent it to Gwen and-"

"Ella." Adrian interrupts. "I'm fine. What is this all about?"

"Don't say that. Don't lie to me. You're not fine. You'll never be fine again." I choke out trying to stop my voice from cracking.

There is a heavy silence as Adrian studies me. His eyes are glazed over, out of focus, far away. They remind of Charlie and my heart lurches. He has given up.

"I would ask-" Adrian swallows trying to get his voice to normal. "-how you knew. But I'm assuming that it wasn't hard to learn-" He coughs lightly. "-staying with the council and all."

"Oh Adrian." I gulp as I watch him sit up on the bed. His movements are stiff and slow. "You wouldn't even guess-" I stop myself from ranting about the council. As much I need to tell someone about everything I've learned through the last few weeks, now is not the time. Adrian has more things to worry about.

"I think I can help." I explain as I kneel down next to him.

"Ella, there is nothing you can do." Adrian says quietly but I can still hear the strain in his voice.

"No. I think I understand and-"

"Ella, please stop."

"-I want you to live." I say these words with as much conviction as I can muster.

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