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"I'm sorry," Finn says shaking his head. "I'm not really sure what I'm looking at."

"I'm seeing it for the first time too you know."

I change angles on the camera so I have a profile view of Carly and whatever she's looking at. There's a set of metal bars and straps that are holding down a suddenly recognizable shape.

"Oh my. No way." I mutter under my breath.

"What?" Finn asks nosily as he looks at the screen that half shows me and half shows Carly in the dark room.

"It's a human. There's someone... Why would they keep someone captive?" I'm asking myself more than Finn but I say it out loud for his benefit.

"Change the angle so we can see what she's looking at." Finn says leaning forward so I can see up his nose a little.

"Only if you move back from the camera." Finn laughs and moves back again so I have a normal view of his stunning face.

I switch the angle so we can see that Carly has moved the sleeve of the person's arm exposing an iae. But not just any iae.

"No way. No no no." Finn is mumbling but is clearly excited as he bounces a little in his seat. "That's impossible. Literally impossible. Of course the council would lock him up. I'm surprised they haven't killed him. I wonder if he has a power from each Aerdell category or if he can literally do anything. I guess it doesn't matter. That guys is unstoppable seriously. I mean..."

I let Finn's rambling continue as I focus on the iae. It is almost beautiful. Not very big, but big enough for us to see the lack of pattern. It is not the lack of pattern like the iae of an Oari. It is an empty circle. A black ring with the whole inside faded away. Of course Finn assumed that this means he has all the Aerdells. I don't blame him because I assumed the same thing.

"... Oh that poor guy. Can you just imagine his Drell. Just for a second. This guy must deal with a lot."



"Shut up for a sec?"


We both watch as Carly pulls a small device out of her pocket. I immediately recognize it as the drainer that I still have hidden in my pocket. We all watch as the iae on the mans arm shrinks until it is just a small dot. Carly checks all the restraints and then walks swiftly out of the room.

"What was that thing?" Finn asks softly.

"It's a drainer or something. It does the same thing that you can. Takes your Aerdell and energy and all that." I explain this but am not really paying attention.

I pull up a control menu scanning through the details in he room. I luck out when I learn that other than a few buckles, the restraints are controlled electronically. With the click of a few buttons I am able to free the man but he doesn't move and I sigh in frustration.

"Did you just do that? Free him?" Finn asks in disbelief.

"Who else could've done it?" I reply while unlocking all the doors between me and the man with the controls.

"How? No way you would be given access to any of this." Finn spins around in his chair fiddling with the syringes in his hand. I knew that although the pills helped, there was something better I could give him. I unlocked the door to the supply room at the hospital to give him morphine. As well as to give me company because it is the only room with a monitor.

"Carly has jurisdiction for everything. And before you ask, yes she logged out but I have her fingerprint. There was this weird plastic stuff in the... kitchen? Anyway she grabbed it from me which left me with a beautiful fingerprint. That's how I'm talking to you." Finn just nods like he isn't surprised. After everything I told him about the council, I can understand.

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