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I walked into the classroom scanning the familiar faces that fill the room. Everything feels so different now that I know what life used to be like for kids our age. One of the books I had read while listening to Charlie was about schools. Real schools. Not the excuse for a school that we are kept captive in for the first 19 years of our life.

Knowledge is power and the council works hard to make sure that we know nothing. Over the last week I found an appreciation for Charlie. I hate myself for humiliating him but that's how I met him. He empowered me even after what I did to him. I thought I had power before but that's part of the illusion. I was scared and I made sure that others feared me. But did I accomplish anything?

People used to be taught how everything works and why everything is the way it is. They built things out nothing and saw so much potential in everything. They learned and created so many things that function and run our daily lives so efficiently that we don't need to know anything to keep them running.

I take a seat at the side of the classroom near no one. Ms. Fields walks into the room, her heels slapping the ground loudly. I study her carefully as she explains the discussion topic for today. Her wrinkles are replaced by smooth skin and her graying hair looks decades younger. This woman looks only a few years out of placement. She is no longer much shorter than everyone because her heels are several inches taller than normal.

She was Adrian's examiner and used it to make her younger. I never fully understood what Adrian gave her until now. I look over to Adrian to see him studying his desk almost with enthusiasm. Gwen is rubbing his arm reassuringly but Adrian doesn't seem to notice. Gwen is very confused with his behaviour. Adrian must not have told Gwen anything about testing.

The discussion topic today is the awards ceremony tomorrow. Ms. Fields is explaining how it will work. Everyone is listening because there has never been an awards ceremony before.

"John Louis decided to do this to honour the people that were most successful." Someone makes an unimpressed snort and interrupts without raising their hand.

"This is stupid. He could have just done what every examiner has done and rank people individually." Someone nods in approval and follows with a comment.

"The reason he didn't put names on the list is because he knows that his test was a fail. Now he is trying to cover it up with the awards ceremony so he only has to congratulate a few people." Ms. Fields frowns.

"Now this is inappropriate. John is the examiner and has the right to do the testing however he sees fit. He mixed things up this year so no one could prepare. Sounds like he was successful to me." My glare turns to a scowl. I raise my hand but speak without getting called on.

"So safe to say you were a fan of testing this year?" She looks taken back by my question. She nods hesitantly.

"I think it was very clever." All eyes are on us trying to figure out what I'm up to.

"Am I right that you helped Mr. Louis with testing almost like an assistant examiner?" Ms. Fields narrows her eyes but she is still confused as to what I'm doing.

"I helped to interview a few students." She says it slowly making sure there is nothing wrong with what she's saying.

"I've noticed that you look very..." I smirk. "Healthy. I am very curious as to how you dyed your hair. Although I can't say I'm jealous. I may not be the prettiest flower in the garden but at least I'm not a weed that kills other plants to grow." I give her an innocent smile. She is so angry I can imagine steam coming out of her ears.

"Are you implying something Ms. Sanders?" My smile grows in satisfaction.

"I'm sure we would all love the testing too if we had so much to personally gain from it." I can see Adrian looking at me with an unreadable expression. Others in the room are glaring at Ms. Fields even though they don't understand what happened.

Ms. Fields looks at me speechlessly. I can see anger and frustration but no remorse. Adrian was right, she didn't deserve a single day of his life. I smile smugly at Ms. Fields as she scans the room. She panics slightly under the glares from everyone else. The room is silent until she clears her throat. She gains her composure again.

"The awards ceremony will be in the theater tomorrow. John himself will name a few impressive people before congratulating 1 specific person. That person will... Hey Ella, where do you think you're going?" When she had started talking I had grabbed all my stuff and weaved through the seats. I turned to face Ms. Fields now standing in the doorway.

"I don't want to be here and there's nothing for you to teach me. I'm leaving." I turned my head to the side and stare at her. "What are you going to do about it?"

I turn and leave Ms. Fields stumbling for words. The robots are quick to try and interfere but i quickly hockey them over and smash them to pieces.

"Ella! This is highly inappropriate! I'm going to send you-"

"Send. Me. Where." I walk over to Ms. Fields and lean over her until she has to take a step back. "I've always heard rumours about punishments that horrible but that's all they are. Rumours."

I walk out of the room and to the end of the hallway when I hear footsteps behind me. I turn prepared to see Ms. Fields running after me only to see my classmates spewing out of the room. Some people try to talk to me as they walk by but I ignore everyone. I wait at the end of the hallway until I see the person I'm waiting for.

I start walking towards Adrian but stop when I see his hand. It is entwined with Gwen's as she walks out after him. They don't notice me as they laugh, their heads ducked together. Gwen reaches out and grabs Adrian's arm turning him towards her.

Their laughter subsides as they lock eyes. It is silent and the only thing I can hear is my heart beat pounding in my ears, threatening to burst into a thousand pieces. I know I should leave but I'm frozen to the spot. Gwen goes on her tip toes and leans up to Adrian.

My mouth goes dry and my throat closes up threatening to strangle me. She wraps her arms around Adrian's neck and pulls him towards her.

I start to walk backwards until I feel the handle of the door digging into my back. I grip the cold metal with my sweaty palm and turned it but don't walk through yet. My eyes are locked on them as their lips lock onto each other.

I take a few clumsy steps backward falling through the door and into the stairwell. Gwen has her hands tangled in his hair and Adrian has his hands placed firmly on her hips. The door closes leaving me staring at the bland off white paint wondering what is happening behind it.

I read somewhere that directors making movies pre-council wouldn't show the actual scene because whatever your mind thinks up is worse than anything they could create.

I understand this now as my mind runs a thousand miles per second staring at the stupid door.

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