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"We still have lots to discuss with Lorhito. I don't care if Ella is here. He is dangerous and we still have no idea how he escaped." Quinn demands standing up from her chair. "Isn't the whole point of her joining in on meetings is to show her what we do. This is what we do!"

"I agree with Quinn." Warren agrees quietly.

"Well if course you agree with her." I mumble but still loud enough for everyone to hear me.

"Someone must have helped him." Starts Lucifer thoughtfully. "We kept him here for almost 6 years without anyone even knowing he's gone. They were very smart about it too. Did it on one of the rare occasions that I'm not here. They knew to erase all records on the tapes on the one time she left the surveillance room in days." He nods thoughtfully toward me. Ever since Lucifer came back from leading his group in the job trials I had taken a liking to him. Not that I really liked any of the council but at least he was reasonable.

"It could have been her." Quinn states in angry tone. "I mean we already agree that she is remarkable. She is the all powerful powerless. She's deceiving everyone. How are we supposed to trust her so easily?"

I feel a though like a wave flow through me and I almost feel compelled to agree with her. Except she is pretty much asking for our heads.

"Stop using your Aerdell against us or we'll have to take it. We all know how it works anyway." Brian grumbles. This is the first meeting that we have both been here. As it is coming to the last few days before testing, I have been spending less time in the surveillance room and more time with the rest of the council.

"Quinn can push emotions and opinions on you. I don't know if you felt it but you can't let her change your mind." Carly says to me with a small smirk.

"We can't overlook this so easily!" Quinn yells slamming one fist on the table. Warren reaches over to rub a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"I think this is an issue that we can talk about later." Warren suggests as Quinn visibly calms down and relaxes in his grip.

"We are just missing the evidence. Once we do more research and gather more information we can have a structured discussion to make a decision." Lucifer studies the table in front of him and the ends of his sentences turn up at the end as if he's questioning his own words.

"Yes Lucifer that makes sense. So now we have a same sex couple living illegally that Ella found for us." Carly says turning to me with a smile.

"Well I also found footage of illegal trade between the governors in the east and another underground depot for the labour jobs in the farm lands which we should probably look at." I say fighting the crushing feeling that Quinn is sending me not so subtly.

"Those aren't things we really need to worry about though." Carly dismisses with a wave of perfectly manicured hand. "Plus this gives us a job for our trainees."

"Yes I worked with them last week and I am confident in their abilities. Especially the twins." Lucifer says with a small nod to himself again.

Of course the twins are a good fit because they are like brainless soldiers that will blindly follow orders.

I don't say that out loud though.

"The team is being sent in as we speak." Says Warren as he pulls out a remote for the screen on the far wall. "We just need to watch on the screen. Not sure if I can get audio though."

"Pass me the remote." I ask with an outstretched hand.

Everyone looks at me surprised as I fiddle with the small buttons quickly flipping through the menu. It isn't as easy as working with a keyboard but I am still able to get the audio on.

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