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I had spent hours listening to Charlie play song after song. I had completely forgotten about time and sat there until the sun had taken its spot filling the sky with light. I had to skip breakfast but I wasn't hungry anyway. After the morning listening to Charlie, everything felt different, new. The sky brighter, time slower, the halls emptier.

I went straight to the waiting hall. It was called the waiting room but it wasn't big enough for everyone so it extended throughout the whole floor so now it's called "the waiting hall". Everyone who is fully garnished participates in testing. All the elites claimed the seats in the actual waiting room so I didn't have to cram into the hallway. I made eye contact with Finn and he just nodded politely before turning away. I walked right up to him.

"I don't like this. I like talking to you and I know you enjoy my company as well. I'm not saying we pretend nothing happened, but maybe we just act like ourselves while I figure everything out in my head."

He smiles one of his signature smiles that shines brighter than the bright sky. "I'd like that."

I can't help but smile back. I take a seat next to him and tune into the conversation happening around his. I'm not surprised that everyone is continuing their guesses for what we'll be doing. I tune out and lean back in my chair. I could fall asleep but I don't want to miss my turn so I just relax in my chair. Every position I sit in seems uncomfortable so I give up and lie my head on Finn's shoulder. He leans back a little to make it more comfortable. We sit like that while people keep guessing and talking and yelling and laughing and living.

We just sit like that.

An official-looking woman comes out and gets straight to the point. "This year all testing will be individual. I will call your name and you will come. Do not miss your call." She looks down at a list in front of her. "Ella Sanders?"

I get up not surprised to be the first one called. Someone had to be first.

My legs feel completely energized all of a sudden and I can't help but take this as a good sign. I try to keep my mind blank so I'm not surprised at whatever I find. I try to just roll with whatever they throw at me but to say I am surprised does not begin to describe what I am feeling. Every year the room is described as scary or exciting with lots of weapons or obstacles. The room in front of me is not even a plain white cube that changes size for each person.

There is a room. It is like any other classroom with some cupboards and plants around the side. One side has a few windows looking out over the forest. There is nothing special about this situation, nothing that would let you know that this is a moment that could define my life. The room is empty except for a table and two chairs. One chair holds a middle-aged man who looks dressed for an average day at work seeming very relaxed. He has an iae that is half hidden by the collar of his shirt. Everyone I know either covers their iae or makes sure it is visible. This man doesn't try to do either. I sit across from him in the empty chair.

"Hello Ella, I am John Louis, the examiner." He gives me a genuine smile.

"I thought examiners usually observed." I say trying to stall so I can figure out exactly what I am supposed to say.

He laughs. "Usually." He leans forward putting his arms on the table in front of him. I move to a similar position to show interest without making it too obvious that I am copying him. "This year is going to be bit different. We are just going to have a conversation. Not an interview, just a conversation."

I nod like this makes sense. "Do you think you will get enough information without having to steer the conversation?"

"I just want to get to know you." He looks at me intently.

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