White Horse

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Some people think that what they say and what they do belong in the Bible. Those people and vain, egotistical cowards, referred to as white elephants. But this poem is about a white horse.

I see the majestic creature plodding steadily up the cobbleston path

I see him look at his reflection in the stream and spit at it mournfully

I wish I could be the one to groom that marvellous coat

of the creature that cares only for others.

He does not care how many times you brush him.....

Only that you take care of yourself.

He does not wish for you to see him cry....

Only that you shall never shed a tear.

He does not hope for inner peace....

Only that you'll find peace within yourself.

He does not yearn for a warm stable....

But yearns for your comfort in your home.

He does not wish to consume tasty oats...

Only that you shall have the fruits of your labor.

He is the image of God...the white horse....the symbol of strength and stability.

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