A Song To Sing

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A Song To Sing

Sometimes I wish I could say what was on my mind. No false pretenses under which I must command my soul. People's feelings get hurt too easily so I must not speak the truth. What is really on my mind ? You ask. Well, I'll tell you................

What is the whole point of spending your time studying when you believe that the world is going to end in 2012?

What is the point of sleeping when you spend the whole night worrying about the studying you didn't do in your free time because you think the world is going to end in 2012?

What is the point of dying when all you want to do is live?

What is the point in eating when you think you're too fat?

What is the point in dyeing your hair purple to impress your friends who don't even like purple?

What is the point in speaking your mind when you get in trouble for saying what you have to say?

So that is what is on my mind? What I want to say in my own time. And when I say what I want you can choose whether to listen or not. Whether to read or not.

And that is my song to sing.

And I hope and pray that maybe someday you'll find your song and you'll sing it for the world to hear.

Poetry.....Beginning To EndTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon