Chapter 31- Return of Amnesia

Start from the beginning

Ayame hung up. She felt a surge of anger going through her body and suddenly kicked Ryoma in the leg with her right foot.

"Ow!" Ryoma exclaimed, and then he got angry. "What was that for?!"

"Baka!" Ayame yelled at him. "You HAD to go and lose your memories again, did you?!"

Ryoma was taken aback by Ayame's sudden anger. The last thing he expected was for this calm girl to suddenly snap and hit him.

Ayame then grabbed Ryoma's arm and dragged him outside of the hotel room. She checked out of the hotel and went straight to the airport.

I can't do this alone... she thought. I'll have to fly back over there... again. Why are you always a handful, Ryoma? You keep falling asleep at the most inconvenient times and I have to carry you each time... and now you've lost your memories and made me fly all the way back to Tokyo for your sake...

Sighing, Ayame took a confused Ryoma out of the plane after it landed and started heading right down the familiar path to Seishun Gakuen. She went around to the courts and noticed that Hyotei was there.

Are they having practice matches with them? she wondered.

Ayame then came into view, dragging Ryoma along.

"Ah! It's Ryoma-kun and Kanna-san!" Kachirou exclaimed when he saw the two.

Almost immediately were shouts of "Echizen!", "Ochibi!", and "Ryoma-sama!" However, the regulars noticed that Ayame was dragging Ryoma to the courts and she looked downright furious.

"What's wrong, Kanna?" Oishi asked.

"Lessee, where do I begin...?" Ayame stopped to think before she explained all in one breath. "OK, so what happened was that I was playing kickball with some fools who can't beat me, and this idiot named Echizen Ryoma never gave me any advance warning that he'd be in my line of fire, so he got K.O.'d and lost his memories."

There was an awkward moment of silence as everyone who was within earshot of Ayame's outburst was trying to figure out what she was saying.

"In short, you were playing kickball and you accidentally hit Echizen with the ball and now he has amnesia," Atobe said.

"Yes..." Ayame sighed. "Now this bastard made me fly all the way back here so I can get help from you boys to help regain his memories."

The scene in front of Ayame immediately changed. Nearly the entire club member had reacted in shock upon hearing Ayame's confirmation of Ryoma's amnesia. Fuji and Tezuka gave no reaction. Tomoka was being hysterical, and Sakuno started crying silently. Hyotei, on the other hand, looked slightly exasperated.

"Yeah, sorry, I don't think you should start by freaking him out by hugging him or whatever," Ayame said, looking at Momo and Kikumaru. "Wait til he remembers everything."

"We're about to start practice matches," Tezuka said. "We'll help you with Echizen after."

"Fine by me," Ayame said as she began to tie back her hair. "I haven't forced him to play me yet, and I think I should've done that before I came here."

Ayame dragged Ryoma to an empty court and forced him into playing her. The Seigaku regulars who weren't playing a practice match decided to watch Ayame try to force Ryoma's memories back. When Ayame hit the ball with her racket, she hit it with all the force she could muster, venting her frustrations. Again, it didn't take Ryoma long to be able to keep up a rally with her.

Ryoma finally spoke after Ayame got some balls past him. "Kanna... please teach me tennis again."

Oh great, not this again... Ayame thought in exasperation. Only remembering me by my surname...

The Kunoichi of Tennis (by DaPsionicFox)Where stories live. Discover now