Chapter 2- Enter the Kunoichi

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Ayame set out of her house, glad that there was no school today. She decided to run from one end of the neighborhood to the other, to see how fast she could run. Going to one of the ends, she switched the watch on her wrist into stopwatch mode and prepared herself.

'Kanna Ayame, you better make it under thirty seconds!' her thoughts menacingly scolded at her.

She took a deep breath.

'Ichi... ni... san!' her thoughts ran as she pushed the button on her watch and she took off.

She sped off so fast that she would've looked invisible to the human's naked eye... unless they had superb eyesight just like her friend Ryoma, then maybe they would've gotten a glimpse of her. She sprinted down the neighborhood while being mindful to avoid passing civilians and the street. The last thing she wanted was to crash into someone and interrupt her running time or to get hit by a car and possibly meet a similar fate her mother did.

In twenty-seven seconds, Ayame had sprinted from one end of the neighborhood to the other.

'Yessssssssss!' Ayame was pleased with herself. 'My speed is in top condition today!'

Before she had another thought, somebody snatched her tennis bag off her shoulder and sped away. She saw it was a crook on roller skates.

"You bastard... I'll kill you!" she said in a murderous tone as her expression changed to look like as if somebody spilled their coffee on her shirt.

Before the thief analyzed what she had just said, Ayame ran full speed and tripped him. She grabbed her tennis bag and removed the tennis racket inside, and the sunlight glinted over the racket as she raised it.

"Diediediediediedie!" she kept shouting as she hit the thief repeatedly with the tennis racket, swinging it like it was a sword.

Meanwhile, while this was going on, Ryoma had been sleeping peacefully in his room, and he was awakened by the commotion outside. Apparently Ayame had taken it out directly in front of his house, and Ryoma was irritated that his sleep was interrupted. But then he heard Ayame yelling outside while hearing sounds of somebody getting hit, followed by screams of pain.

'She probably killed somebody for real this time...' he thought drowsily as he climbed out of bed and decided to see what the heck Ayame was doing outside.

After changing clothes, he went downstairs and went outside. He came upon the scene on time to see Ayame forcing the thief to go down the street while she held her racket behind him.

"One wrong move and you're dead," she warned.

Her glance fell on Ryoma, and she suddenly acted like as though nothing just happened.

"Oh. Hey Ryoma," she greeted.

"Ayame? What happened?" Ryoma asked.

"This dumbass stole my tennis bag and I killed him for it," she replied. "Now he's comin' with me to the police."

Ryoma said nothing but followed her as they went into the town. He was well aware that Ayame has a tendency of going violent when she gets angry, and he could tell that she was really pissed off if she used her racket as a weapon. He remembered one day in America asking her why she always carried her tennis bag, and her response was, "Just in case if I need to see a little bloodshed." (although she has actually never hit anybody hard enough to draw blood). He was already used to her drastic mood swings and her violent acts, which sometimes scared him a little, but at least she never did anything bad to him.

The two arrived at the police station and turned in the thief. They then started walking back to the neighborhood.

"... and then I tripped him and took my tennis bag back," Ayame continued her story.

The Kunoichi of Tennis (by DaPsionicFox)Where stories live. Discover now