Chapter 25- The Festival Disaster

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Chapter 25: The Festival Disaster

Ayame ran down the streets and ended up in front of Rikkaidai Fuzoku. She heard that the school was holding the Ocean Festival, and she wanted to go see.

'It's not bad...' she thought as she walked past the gate and entered the festival grounds.

Ayame began to explore the festival as she browsed the stands and eventually entered the school. She walked down the third year hall and peeped inside one of the rooms. She immediately spotted Sanada, Yagyuu, and Yukimura talking with a familiar boy.

'M-Momoshiro-senpai is here too?!' she thought in shock.

Ayame stayed out of sight and eavesdropped. She heard the middle schoolers discuss a play that was being held by Rikkai's tennis regulars.

'A play?' Ayame thought, interested. 'They seem so serious on the court, but are they really doing a play?'

Ayame went to the auditorium and took a seat. She grabbed a book from her tennis bag and started reading to pass the time. Minutes passed, and soon a half hour passed.

'Why haven't they started yet?' Ayame wondered.

"May I have your attention please?" Yukimura's voice announced on the auditorium's loudspeaker. "We are dealing with a certain difficulty at the moment, so the play will be delayed."

'I wonder what kind of difficulty?' Ayame decided to investigate.

She snuck backstage and ran into Yukimura.

"What's going on?" she asked.

"Ah, hello there, Kanna-chan," Yukimura greeted her. "Akaya won't come out of the toilet because he's playing the main role of Cinderella. We've tried everything to get him to come out, but it's not working. Perhaps you can try?"

Ayame started laughing. She personally had never seen Cinderella but knew that it revolved around a girl wearing a dress. The thought of Kirihara wearing a dress was too good for her.

"Wait..." Ayame said suddenly, as another thought came to her and she stopped laughing. "So you're telling me to walk into the boys' bathroom and get him to come out? No way! I ain't walking into the boys' bathroom!"

Yukimura sighed and went into the bathroom. Ayame followed him, but she stayed outside.

"Looks like we might not be able to do it," Yukimura told the regulars and Momo gathered around the stall regretfully. "Kanna-chan's refusing to help."

"Eh? Ayame-chan is here too?" Momo asked. "I thought she was still in Tokyo."

"We're out of time," Renji said. "We should've started already, but we're being delayed because of this."

Ayame had heard everything that the boys inside of the bathroom said. She believed that removing Kirihara from the toilet would be a piece of cake, if only that this wasn't a boys' bathroom. But on the other hand, she really wanted to see Kirihara wearing a dress, so she pushed all her doubts aside.

"Oh, come on!" Ayame called, exasperated. "Just leave it to the professional!"

Ayame entered the bathroom, pushed past the crowd of regulars, and went as close as she could to the door while being out of range if the door were to be opened. Before any of them could open their mouth to tell the young girl that she was walking into the boys' bathroom, she had already started talking.

"Oi, is it true that the seaweed head locked himself up because he has to wear a dress?" Ayame spoke at a slightly higher volume than normal. "He must be a real chicken to not wanna do this, so he's juuuuust running away!"

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