Chapter 31- Return of Amnesia

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Chapter 31: Return of Amnesia

"Mada mada!" Ayame yelled as she used all the force she could muster in her foot and kicked the ball.

Right after her foot made contact with the ball, she sprinted around the field and reached all the bases, earning her a point for her team.

"Hey," one of the older boys said. "Since you kicked that ball all the way over there where we can't see it, you should go and get it. You run super fast after all."

"Fine," Ayame sighed.

She ran off the field and searched for the ball. After a half minute trying to search for it, she had found the ball, but she saw something that she wasn't quite expecting. She also found Ryoma lying facedown beside the ball.

"Ryoma?" Ayame said quizzically. "Are you really sleeping on the floor?"

She lifted her friend up and confirmed that the boy was indeed unconscious.

Oops, she thought as she realized what happened after looking at the ball. Screw bringing the ball back, I need to see where it hit him...

Ayame set Ryoma onto her back like a sack of potatoes and she walked back to the hotel. As soon as she got to her room, she dropped Ryoma onto his bed and waited for him to wake up. She had waited for a half hour, and eventually got so bored that she went out to do the shopping for nearly an hour, and when she got back, she still found Ryoma unconscious.

Of course, Ayame wanted to do a facepalm. I should always expect him to be out for at least two hours before he stops dreaming.

After some fifteen minutes, Ryoma finally regained consciousness.

"Took you long enough," Ayame said, without looking. "Look, I'm sorry I accidentally hit you with the ball. I didn't think it'd hit you."

"Um... I'm sorry, who are you and what are you talking about?" Ryoma asked.

Ayame felt a pang of unease as she slowly turned her head to look at Ryoma.

Don't tell me... she thought.

"Do you know my name?" Ayame asked.

"No," Ryoma replied.

Oh no, you didn't. You didn't lose your memories again, did you, Echizen Ryoma...Ayame thought, the words rushing through her head so menacingly like as though they were about to commit murder.

Ayame would've felt sorrowful, but this time she felt something completely different. She couldn't really describe the feeling. She felt like as though she was irritated, annoyed, and exasperated all at once.

Maybe it was because he once had it before and since it wasn't that hard to help him regain his memories, it's become a major annoyance rather than a sad thing... her thoughts told her.

Ayame sighed as she called the Echizens back in Tokyo. She spoke with Nanako at first but decided to keep it from her and just tell Rinko instead.

"Rinko-san, this is Ayame."

"What's wrong?"

"Ryoma has amnesia again."

"What happened?"

"I hit his head with a kickball. But it was an accident, I swear! I just kicked it and it flew maybe a hundred feet to his location and hit him on the head!"

"Well, that can't be helped. Do me a favor and try to help him regain his memories like you did during the Nationals finals."

"That's what I was gonna do..."

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