Chapter 9- Cat on the Loose

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Chapter 9: Cat on the Loose 

"I'm going," Ayame said as she picked up her tennis bag.

She left her house and started running at a normal speed to school. As she passed by the Echizen household, she saw Ryoma coming out of the front gate. He didn't look like his usual self.

"Something wrong, Ryoma?" Ayame asked as she stopped.

"Nothing," he replied.

"I could tell something's concerning you," Ayame said. "You can't fool me."

Ryoma said nothing, but instead ran to school with Ayame. On the way there he finally spoke.

"Karupin's gone," he said.

"Karupin?" Ayame repeated.

"He wasn't in my room this morning," Ryoma went on. "We couldn't find him anywhere in the house."

Ayame knew that this was troubling news. Ryoma loved Karupin dearly, and with Karupin missing, it would weigh Ryoma's mind all day.

On the bright side, he won't fall asleep in his classes, Ayame thought. But then again, he'll spend all his classes worrying about Karupin...

Ayame knew that there was nothing she could do. It was time for school and she can't spend her time turning Tokyo upside down to look for the missing cat. She attended class like she normally did and took notes like she normally did.

Lunch break finally came around. Ayame left the classroom and went to search for Ryoma. Her first assumption was that he was on the school roof, and headed there. As soon as she opened the door, something small, white, and four-legged ran past her.

Karupin! she realized.

Ayame then chased after the cat down the halls. She struggled to avoid other people while trying not to lose sight of Karupin.

"Wait! Come back!" she called after him.

Ryoma was having his lunch in a classroom with a fellow club member known as Horio Satoshi. He was anxious about Karupin and was eating quickly.

"Karupin, slow down!" Ayame's voice can be heard outside.

At the mention of Karupin, Ryoma stood up from his seat quickly. He looked out the classroom door and saw his cat running by. Ayame then passed by, in hot pursuit of Karupin.

"What's wrong, Echizen?" Horio asked.

Ryoma ran out of the classroom and went in the direction of where Karupin and Ayame went. Ayame was slowly gaining on Karupin, and finally she dived and caught him. Karupin gave her trouble by struggling to get out of her grip, and she held him as she settled down to catch her breath. She looked up as she saw Ryoma coming from around the corner. Karupin jumped out of Ayame's arms into Ryoma's.

"Karupin!" Ryoma said.

"Well, we found the cat," Ayame panted. "But how're you gonna get him back home?"

Ryoma realized that there was no way he could make it back home to drop off Karupin and run back to school.

"Ayame," Ryoma started. "I'm sorry, but can you do me a favor?"

"What is it?" Ayame asked.

"I need you to take Karupin and bring him back home," Ryoma answered.

"Why me?"

"You run a lot faster than me. Lunch break ends in ten minutes. Do you think you can make it?"

Ayame hesitated. She wanted to help Ryoma and bring Karupin back home, but feared that she'll be a little late for class.

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