Chapter 15- The Nationals: Finals

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Chapter 15: The Nationals: Finals

The last couple of days for Ayame had been a blur. The Nationals had started days ago, and the finals were drawing close. A day ago she followed Ryoma and Nanjiroh to Karuizawa, where Nanjiroh was teaching Ryoma the Tenimuhou no Kiwami.

All Nanjiroh had done was ask Ryoma if tennis was fun. Ayame and Ryoma didn't understand what Nanjiroh was getting at, but Ayame had thought that there might've been some meaning behind the question. Nanjiroh made Ryoma use a stick as a racket and a pebble as a ball. Ayame did the same, wondering if there was anything important about it.

She couldn't figure it out and stayed with the Echizens overnight out in the wild. Now, she had gotten up extra early and decided to go on a nature hike to take in the beautiful scenery before Nanjiroh could continue... teaching. She didn't wander too far away from their campsite, as they were in the middle of nowhere, and she feared that she'll get lost.

When she turned around to go back, she saw Ryoma standing on a rock in the middle of the river, hitting serves with the pebble and stick. Nanjiroh came out of the tent and noticed as well. Soon after that, a log was coming down the waterfall, about to fall on Ryoma.

"Look out!" Ayame shouted.

"Dad, aim a little to the left side of the cavity!" Ryoma hollered.

Ryoma served a pebble at the same time Nanjiroh did, changing the trajectory of its fall. Ayame felt relieved, but that relief only lasted for a second. As the log fell into the river, the splash of water swept Ryoma into the river.

"Ryoma!" Ayame and Nanjiroh cried at the same time.

Nanjiroh jumped into the river to rescue his son, while Ayame could do nothing except helplessly watch. She knew that she couldn't swim against the current, and had to leave it to Nanjiroh. She ran along the river and soon found Nanjiroh standing in a shallow area, carrying an unconscious Ryoma.

"Geez... how troublesome..." Nanjiroh muttered.

Nanjiroh got back onto land and laid Ryoma on the ground. He took off his robe to let it dry. Ayame was too busy worrying about Ryoma to kick Nanjiroh for taking off his robe. They waited until Ryoma regained consciousness. He sat up and looked at them.

"Um... who are you two?" he asked.

Ayame knew that Ryoma wasn't right in his mind as soon as he said that. It took Nanjiroh a few moments to realize that.

"Ryoma?" Ayame said quizzically, staring into Ryoma's confused, hazel eyes.

"Who's Ryoma?" Ryoma asked.

Ayame felt panic rising in her as one thing registered her mind: Ryoma has amnesia.

"Ryoma! Don't you recognize me?!" she started crying out.

"No..." Ryoma replied blankly.

"Ryoma! It's me, Ayame!" she continued crying out helplessly. "Ryoma! Ryoooooomaaaaaa!"

Ayame's mind had gone into complete shock. It was bad enough with Ryoga gone, but now that the Ryoma she knew was also gone, they were both technically gone from her life. She wanted to cry, but she knew that crying wouldn't solve anything, so she held in her emotions.

Ayame noticed something floating in the river, and it was Ryoma's cap that had fallen off his head when he was swept into the river. She picked it up and stared at it. Soon after that, she heard the sounds of a helicopter overhead. She looked up and the helicopter landed near her and the Echizens. Two middle schoolers came out.

"Momoshiro-senpai! Monkey King!" she said in recognition.

"Stop calling me that!" Atobe shouted at her in annoyance.

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