Chapter 17- The Two Samurai and The Kunoichi

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Chapter 17: The Two Samurai and The Kunoichi

Ayame walked down the streets of New York alone. Weeks passed since she had went back to America with Ryoma. It felt like she had never been to Japan and had always been in America. She was taking one of her walks that she often took.

Ayame wandered down the road and stopped at a tennis court. She saw someone that she initially thought was Ryoma, but upon closer inspection, he was taller and much older. The older boy rallied with a tennis ball against the wall, and soon busted it open. He turned around and saw her.

"Ay-chan...?" he said with uncertainty.

Ayame recognized that nickname at once.

"Ryoga...?" she said incredulously.

They both stared at each other. Seconds passed. The blue eyes and the hazel eyes were still staring at each other. Ayame was first to break out of her trance.

"Ryogaaaaaaa!" Ayame cried as she ran onto the tennis court to hug him, only to tackle him before doing so.

"Long time no see, ninja girl," Ryoga said, amused at her action. "I see you're able to run faster than back then. Now don't go crying now that we've met after all this time. How's Chibisuke?"

"He's doing well," she replied.

"Great to hear. I heard that his school won the Nationals back in Japan."

"They did."

Ayame and Ryoga walked down the streets of New York together while conversing.

"So how have you been doing, Ryoga?" Ayame asked.

"Been doin' great. And you?" Ryoga asked.

"Damn, couldn't be better. First I got to see Seigaku win at the Nationals, and I run into you."

"Did you miss me?"

"Terribly. I don't think Ryoma remembers you, though."

"Oi, oi... Chibisuke wouldn't forget me."

"I'm pretty sure he would. He didn't even remember how he met me..."

"You're playing around, aren't you?"

"Sadly, no. I'm not kidding. I'll bet if he sees you now, he wouldn't remember until we say something. Let's go."

"So where're you and Chibisuke staying at?"

Ayame led Ryoga to the hotel room that she shared with Ryoma.

"Ahh, seems like he's not back yet," Ayame remarked.

"Should we wait for him?" Ryoga asked.

"Yeah. He'll come back."

Ayame and Ryoga then started talking about the period of time that they were separated.

"When I first saw you, I thought you were Ryoma, but then I saw that you were too tall."

"Oi oi, do I really look like Chibisuke?"

"A little. Just older."

"Y'know, when I was watching the Nationals tournament, I was watching Chibisuke's match. When the camera angle changed, I saw you watching Chibisuke in the crowd. You looked almost like back when you were smaller... except prettier and taller."

They spent nearly an hour talking until the door opened and Ryoma stepped in.

"Ayame, who is that?" Ryoma asked as soon as he saw Ryoga.

"See? I told you he'd forget!" Ayame said bluntly to Ryoga.

"I'm Echizen Ryoga," Ryoga said to Ryoma.

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