Chapter 4- Gemini

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"Since we've been hanging out every day, I'd probably say that they think we have a relationship," Ayame said to Ryoma one day during lunch break.

Ryoma said nothing to this. Ayame was used to Ryoma giving little or no comments, as that's how he was, and she was fine with that. She picked up her drink and drank from it. Not too long after she held the bottle to her mouth was when Ryoma noticed that something was wrong.

Ayame's eyes had widened when she tasted the drink, and they were glassy. Her entire body went stiff and the bottle in her hand slipped out of her frozen grip. She looked as though she was petrified.

"Ayame...?" Ryoma called her name with uncertainty.

Pretty soon, Ryoma heard shrieks and cries that sounded like people dying. He stood up and looked at the bottle that Ayame dropped. A purple liquid was spilling out of it. Ryoma then looked around to see people collapsed on the ground with similar bottles lying near them.

'Inui-senpai...' he realized.

He looked back at the motionless girl sitting in front of him as he sat back down, staring into her empty blue eyes. He thought that she probably couldn't stand Inui Juice either, and wondered how Inui managed to sneak Inui Juice into the cafeteria lines.

'She's probably going to go kill Inui-senpai once she recovers...' he thought to himself.

Ryoma continued to eat his lunch, until he heard a gasp in front of him. Ayame had moved and she now has a look like as if somebody strangled her.

"That was the worst thing I've ever tasted in my life," she gasped. "What the hell was that, anyway?"

"That was Inui-senpai's juice," Ryoma answered.

"Nani?! That thing?!" Ayame exclaimed in shock. "It's THAT bad?! Just wait until I get my hands on him..."

Ayame now gave the vibe of an eagle hunting for its prey.

'I knew it,' Ryoma thought. 'She will hunt for him and kill him.'

Ayame waited until before Ryoma's tennis practice. She jumped Inui before he went to change in the clubroom and ended up breaking his glasses.

"What happened to Inui?" the vice-captain named Oishi asked.

"Ayame went and killed him for making her drink his juice during lunch," Ryoma replied.

"Ochibi, you mean your girlfriend went and beat up Inui when she drank his juice?!" Kikumaru cried in shock.

"Don't let her catch you saying that she's my girlfriend..." Ryoma muttered. "And she's not my girlfriend either..."

After Ayame washed her hands after "defeating that mad scientist", she went back down to the tennis courts. Ryoma's sights fell on her.

"Knowing her, she'd probably try to kill Inui-senpai first if he were to force her to drink that weird vegetable juice..." he said.

Ayame watched the practice like she usually did. This time, though, she got to see some practice matches and saw all kinds of moves she's never seen before.

'Ryoma's team is crazy like he said, but it's also an interesting team...' she thought.

Ayame waited until after Ryoma was finished with practice and they walked home together.

"The other day you said all you could do is hit shurikens," Ryoma said to Ayame. "What do you mean by that?"

"Oh, it's just a move that I learned," she answered. "A dangerous one at that."

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