We all go mad sometimes

Start from the beginning

Claire noddes and Katherine says before leaving:"Claire, stay away from blood the whole day. Cause I still remember what you did last time."

Claire sighs and says:"Okay, I'll do my best." Katherine noddes and leaves in a second. Claire walks upstairs and changes her clothes, she puts a white taktop and grey pants on. 

With Black boots, Claire grabs her Cellphone and puts it in her pocket. Claire stands outside the house with vampspeed, she walks towards her car. Claire drives all the way to Matt's house.

When she arrives there, she finds Matt and Tyler sparring. Claire whistles and Matt looks at her, on that second Tyler gives Matt a punch in his stomach. Matt falls on the ground and Claire stands beside him with vampspeed. 

She helps him to stand up, Matt looks at Claire and puts his hand on his stomach. Claire looks at him with a worried look on his face. She says:"Are you okay?" Matt grins and says:"Never better, all thought my stomach hurts."

Claire smiles and says to Tyler:"You wanna fight against me? No vampire, witch, werewolve power allowed." Tyler grins and says:"Whatever you say Claire." 

Claire grins and says:"Give me those Boxing gloves Matt." Claire puts the gloves on, and starts sparring with Tyler. They're sparring for about 30 minutes, after awhile Claire bends down and Tyler looks at her.

Claire acts as if she's about to hit Tyler in the face, He protects his face with both his arms. Claire grins and gives Tyler an Uppercut, Tyler falls on the ground and Claire says:"I win wolfboy." Tyler smiles and says:"You're very strong." 

Claire helps Tyler to stand on his feet, he takes that opportunity to hit Claire. She stumbles against Matt, he hits his head against the stairs. Claire stands up and says to Tyler:"Idiot, I fell against Matt."

Claire looks at Matt and sees that he's bleeding. Tyler sighs and says:"Sorry for hurting you Matt." Matt grins and says:"No problem Tyler." 

Claire starts to sweat again, she trembles all over her body. She looks the other side so that she won't see the Blood. But she can still smell it, Matt's Blood smells like chocolate to Claire. Her eyes turn red and the veins under her eyes are visible.

Her fangs are Lowered, Tyler looks at Claire and says:"Hey let's get a drink." Claire noddes but doesn't turn around, Matt stands up but he stumbles against Claire. She helps him but doesn't look at him. 

Matt smiles and says to Tyler:"You're One strong Hybrid." Tyler grins and Claire turns around while breathing heavy. She looks at Matt and says with a trembling voice:"Get out of her Matt, Leave Now!"

Matt looks at Claire and says:"What's wrong Claire?" Tyler looks shocked at Claire and says:"Claire control your bloodlust!" Claire puts her hand on her forehead and shouts:"LEAVE!" 

Matt looks with a sad face at Claire and says:"No Claire, It's me Matt." Claire shouts:"I said Leave, I can't hold it much longer!" Matt looks at Tyler, on that second Claire runs with vampspeed towards Matt. Tyler pushes Claire away, she falls against his car.

Claire looks at Matt and says with a sad face:"I'm sorry Matt, I'm sorry." Claire then runs away with vampspeed, Tyler looks at Matt and says:"What happened to her?" 

Matt sighs and says:"We need to find her Tyler, I'm afraid something will happen to her." Tyler noddes and says:"I'm gonna call Caroline."

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