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  You played with Peter's hair as you lay next to him in bed, his body curled up in front of yours. He was in a little ball as he snored quietly. It was adorable. You giggled as he twitched in his sleep before letting your eyes shut, though almost jumping in terror as banging erupted at the door. You quickly slipped out of bed, thankful Peter was a heavy sleeper, and picked up your knife, holding it above your chest in a position that made it easy to strike. You swiftly opened the door and pounced, stabbing the zombie in the forehead.

You peeked out of the apartment door and checked for more- it was clear to your relief but seeing as this one managed to make it's way to your apartment meant there were more. You pulled the zombies body out and leaned it against the door across the hall and rushed back into the room, locking the door. You quickly started packing everything up, you had to take Peter and leave immediately. You felt horrible having to wake him up but if you didn't... Well, you would be overrun. The only question is; which stairway to take.

You sighed and went over to Peter, stroking his hair softly, "Peter it's time to wake up, we need to leave. We've been here for too long," Peter stirred before his beautiful blue eyes opened, meeting yours. "I don't want to leave (Y/N), I'm so tired," Your eyes flashed to the bite on his arm- there was a bandage covering it but still.. He was turning and you knew it. Would he become mindless or would he still have a mind, at least enough of one to recognise you? You doubted it but still, you had to keep hope.

"I know love but we need to go. One of them was at the door, they are coming. We have to go so please get up, I don't want to have to go on without you. I love you Peter Kirkland, more than anything in this world," Peter smiled at those words and sat up, holding his head. "And I love you more than anything (Y/N), I truly do," You smiled at his words and helped him up, putting the bag on your back and using yourself as support for Peter. You helped him out, holding the knife in your hand.

Your gun sat safely in it's holster on your hip but you didn't want to use it unless it became necessary. Peter moaned quietly in pain as you started going down the stairwell that you had chosen, it seemed like the safest choice. You grimaced and looked at Peter- if you were swarmed, he wouldn't be able to run. The wound was affecting him too much. Tears formed in your eyes as you helped him down the 5 flights of stairs. You were exhausted but you had to do this, for Peter. You smiled at the idea of finding somewhere safe.

"(Y/N)... We... We need to stop, I-I don't feel so well.." He looked at you with sweat pouring down his forehead. "It's all right Peter. I know somewhere safe we can go where we can stay for a long time. When we get there, you can sleep, for as long as you like," You kissed his cheek and stroked his blonde locks and he nodded. "Okay.. I'll pull through for you," He smiled weakly. You swallowed and helped him up, taking him to the place you had set up for when he turned. He would be your zombie slave.

You would feed him raw flesh of others and dead animals so he would stay alive. This was out of love. As you turned into the street, it was quiet. You hadn't encountered any more zombies to your relief but Peter couldn't hold on much longer. You set him down and opened the gate- the house was fenced up to keep an army out, it was completely safe- and got him in before locking the gate and taking him inside. You took him into the attic where everything was. It was the safest place considering a zombie couldn't get up there.

There was a latch to pull that made stairs come down and they weren't smart enough to figure that out. As you set Peter in the bed you had for him, he was out like a light. You chained him up and kissed his lips softly, one last time and moved away. You sat against the wall smiling as Peter's eyes opened- they were white, no colour.

"Now we can still be together without you harming me, my love, until I pass away but then you can feast on my flesh and we can become one.. I love you Peter Kirkland."

Our Undying Love. (ReaderxUndead/Yandere!Country) [Hetalia]Where stories live. Discover now