Hong Kong.

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You lay in bed, staring up at the roof. It's been 6 months since Kaoru went missing. Your heart ached for him everyday. You gazed at the growing bump, where your hand sat. The ring still on your finger. You remembered the night so clearly. You had just gotten married and made love.. which conceived a child. It was that night, that he wen't missing. You were asleep in his arms and you woke up - he was gone. There were traces of blood on the bed and it was fresh. You called the police immediately. Not that it did much help. 6 months later, you were alone and pregnant. Practically a widow. They hadn't found him - they presumed he was dead.

You slowly sat up, holding your growing belly. You had a late night craving again. "Some chips.. some salsa.. some corn.. mm.. maybe some Vegemite biscuits," You cooed. You had gained some weird cravings once you became pregnant. But it was just you, and no one could judge you. You made your way out along the hallway and into the kitchen. You pulled out the chips, opening a jar of the salsa that was store bought. You pulled out the biscuits and started coating them in Vegemite before sitting at the table.

You started eating it. Half way through, you felt a pain in your stomach and looked down. The baby was kicking again. God it was uncomfortable. The doctor you saw when you went for check-ups sometimes joked that the baby was drinking your blood. Why? Because mysteriously whenever you went for a check-up, you were short by some blood. It was like the baby was drinking it. And it was drinking it faster than your body produced. Sometimes they had to give you more blood.

You shrugged it off. Sometimes you got nosebleeds - you presumed that's where the missing blood went. It wasn't a big deal - you and the baby were healthy, that's what mattered. You stood up, walking to the fridge and pouring a drink. You took a sip before you noticed something in the window. A face, a shadow of someone. You were being watched. "What the hell.." You whispered, immediately closing the blinds. The entire house had an alarm system set up - thanks to Kaoru. It was then you decided to clean up and go back to bed.

As you finished washing your glass, you held it up to put it away in the cupboard. You gasped and dropped it as you saw a persons reflection in the glass. He looked just like Kaoru, except his eyes.. They were red. You turned around and couldn't help but gasp. "(Y/N).. How I missed you so," He whispered, stepping forward. He caressed your face with on hand and placed the other on your belly. He smiled, his eyes a glowing red. "My child.." He rubbed your belly. "A little boy," He added. You didn't know whether to be scared or happy.

They had presumed he was dead and yet here he was, alive. And he knew the baby was a boy. How? "Kaoru.. is.. is that really you?" You whimpered. Your heart was aching. This was truly cruel. "(Y/N).. My ball of sunshine," He whispered, leaning in and kissing you. You felt your body tense then relax. You recognized his lips, his tongue. He tasted the same. This was the man you loved. The man you married. "I love you.." You breathed out as you pulled away. You looked into his eyes, before feeling faint. You felt dizzy. You couldn't control your body anymore.

"What..?" Was the only words you were able to say. "Shh.." Kaoru whispered, grinning wickedly. "You waited for me to return.. but now I can't risk you escaping.. You're my soul mate. And my personal slave~" You felt your vision dim at those words but you weren't asleep. You could feel your body moving. You just had no control any longer. "Kiss me," Kaoru commanded and your body moved on its own.

'I'm his puppet,' you thought.. Kaoru grinned as you pulled away. "You will be mine forever~"

Our Undying Love. (ReaderxUndead/Yandere!Country) [Hetalia]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt