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  You gazed at Arthur's corpse with wide eyes and looked up at Alfred who was grinning sadistically, "And now you're mine.." He whispered, reaching out. You quickly took off running, your eyes wide with terror. "Arthur.." You whimpered with tears in your eyes, as you ran and hid in the attic- there was a very small door which led to another room in the attic, a bunch of boxes hid it's view but you found it. When you got in there you moved the boxes closer to hide it even more then shut the door. You crawled further into the room, squeezing in the tight spaces and turned until you found a desk. 'That's funny..' You thought, 'I don't remember seeing this desk before..'

You stood up straight and examined it, picking up and flipping threw a few pages before stopping. Arthur had taught you a bit of magic and the language he used for it. You read the few words you could understand 'revive,'....'dead,'....'bring back to life,'... Your heart started beating faster as you thought this may bring your beloved back. You swallowed and shut your eyes, your palms sweating from the nauseous feeling in your stomach. You were about to read the words but froze as you head movement near the door. You held the book close and got down on your hands and knees, looking for a hiding spot.

Your body froze up as you realized there was no where to hide and the Alfred was now in the room. Tears slowly fell from your eyes as you realized what would happen now.

"I found you."


You woke up a few hours later in the same spot, alone and bare. You reached over to the book and struggled to find the page from before and as soon as you found it, you chanted the words and sat up, putting on your clothing which lay in a pile next to you. You gazed at your hands and sighed, not wanting to move due to the pain you felt. "I think I can stay here for a while.. It's not like Alfred will come back anytime soon," You sighed, your eyes watering as the memory of what he did hit you.

"I wonder if it even worked,"You mumbled and gazed at the book- you knew you said everything right, Arthur took you how to correctly pronounce and say everything, just not all of the meanings. You could even write in it, though you weren't very good at that. You forced yourself onto your hands and knees and held the book in your hand, making your way out but stopped as you heard a noise not far ahead. Your body froze, you didn't know someone else was in the room. You swallowed and slowly moved backwards only to stop as you felt a breeze hit you.

You slowly turned around to meet the eyes of your beloved but he seemed.. Different. You were positive he was dead because of Alfred unless.. It actually worked! "(Y/N).." He whispered but seemed to frown, "I smell Alfred on you.. What did he do?" You looked away and felt your body go cold and fresh tears fall down your cheeks, "He.." You leaned forward and whispered it into his ear, scared to say aloud. "I'm going to kill that bastard!" And within the next minute he was gone.


You walked into your home, you hadn't heard from Arthur so you thought you could. You went straight to the bathroom and set up a bath to help relax yourself and to ease the pain, if only a little. Half way through the bath Arthur appeared, soaked in blood. "Arthur?" You gasped, getting out and wrapping a towel around yourself as you rushed over to his side. "I said I would always protect you (Y/N)," He smiled softly and got into the bath after taking his clothes off, "Care to join me, my love?" You blushed and dropped the towel, getting in next to him and resting your head against your should.

"I love you (Y/N), I will never let another man touch you or near you. You're mine and I swear to devour anyone who harms you, my lovely (Y/N).."

Our Undying Love. (ReaderxUndead/Yandere!Country) [Hetalia]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя