Chapter 44

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Bloom POV

"Winx!" A loud cry comes from Tecna, who is sat at Miss Faragonda's desk with multiple devices open.

She had been at it for days, constantly refreshing the pages trying to find the Wizards of the Black Circle. There had been a few disappointing false alarms, especially the first time.

"What is it?" I ask as we all crowd around the laptop she is pointing to.

"Look!" I had never seen her so excited in my entire life, "dark magic on Linphea!"

"No way!" I gasp in disbelief, "do you think it's them this time? It could just be a false alarm again."

"Yeah girls, lets not get our hopes up," Aisha frowns, "but Linphea would be a really big coincidence if it wasn't them. I say we give it a try."

"Just look at it! I've never seen so much dark magic! It has to be them!" Tecna points at the screen once again.

Even though we didn't really understand how she knew there was a lot of dark magic, we decided to trust her and go with our instincts that this could really be them.

"Let's go to Linphea, Winx," I say and the girls nod.

We race to the ship and hurriedly the Specialists take off.

"Come on!" Stella grabs Timmy's shoulders and shaking him slightly, "we don't have much time!"

"Stella, it's okay, we'll get there," I calm her down, but my hands are shaking nervously.

It wasn't the first time this had happened, but I had learned to treat each time as if it was the real thing. There was a very low chance that this was real but we had to be positive.

"Okay, let's go," Sky motions us to follow us as the ship doors begin to open.

"Magic Winx! Believix!" The girls and I transform and join the guys in searching Linphea.

"Whoa," I breathe out, looking up into the sky.

Linphea was different than I had ever seen it before. The sky was filled with black and dark blues, and a strike of lightning hit in the distance, followed by a loud rumble of thunder.

"It has to be them," Musa clenches her fists, "who else could cause this much misery?"

"But why are they targeting Linphea?" Stella lands on her feet from previously scouting the area.

"Actually, Linphea is the most likely place for them to target. It's Flora's home. Targeting her roots is an ideal way to sway her even more to the dark side," Tecna states, "and Linphea is a popular trading area for the magic dimension. They grow a lot of crops so destroying it would make the rest of the Magic Dimension weak."

"Okay, enough talking, we need to catch up to the Specialists and take down those Wizards," I command and the girls nod.

We leap into the air, zooming through the sky thanks to our restored powers. This is it. This is what we've been waiting for. Wizards, we will end you!

"Bloom! Winx! Down here!" I hear Sky's voice from below me and I look down.

"Gantlos!" I gasp, noticing the Wizard. He is on his own, and seems to be in the middle of destroying a store.

"Fire Arrow!" I yell, aiming my magic at him.

Surprisingly, he doesn't dodge my spell as quickly as usual and looks a little surprised. I feel so much stronger!

Growling angrily, he joins me up in the air. Stella joins my side, but before either of us can react, Stella is shot out of the air.

"Stella! Dragon Wing!" I catch her before she hits the ground, allowing her to regain her balance.

"Oh, you will pay for that, Wizard!" She yells, flying back towards us.

"Universal Light!" Stella blinds Gantlos, causing him to yell out in pain.

Using this as an advantage, Aisha joins us, using her magic to further injure the wizard, "Morphix Tidal Wave!"

Gantlos flies back, falling through the room of a partly destroyed house. The girls and I quickly high-five before joining Gantlos inside the house.

"He's not moving, is he okay?" Stella crouches next to him.

"He's breathing," I point out the rising and falling of the Wizard's chest, "he'll be okay. But what do we do now?"

"Allow us, girls," Miss Faragonda's voice causes us to jump.

I turn around and see the headmistress and Griselda, who are standing in the doorway with smiles.

Miss Faragonda was holding a pair of glowing handcuffs. I look at them, confused, "what are they for?"

"The Magic Council held a meeting. There wasn't much else we could do, but I had the idea of handcuffs that could stop magic. Then, once we get the wizards to prison we will get rid of their magic completely," the Headmistress explains and Gantlos slowly begins to wake up.

"Ugh, what-" he rubs his head, slowly realising the situation, "how- how did you do that? You will all pay!"

His anger shines though his eyes and his hands part to form an intimidating-looking spell.

"Oh, I don't think so, Wizard," Miss Faragonda lifts up a hand and Gantlos' back hits the wall, allowing her to handcuff him.

"We will take care of him. We're counting on you girls," Griselda nods and us and we say goodbye, after receiving some pairs of the magic-restraining handcuffs.

"Wow, that was insane!" Stella exclaims, "did you see how easily he went down?"

"Let's go and see how the others are getting on," Aisha suggests and we agree.

Musa POV

"Harmonic Attack!" I fire at both Duman and Anagan, who separate and dodge my spell.

Tecna, Brandon, Sky, Riven and I were taking on the two of them, after fighting Anagan, Duman tried to trick us into thinking he was Timmy, but after receiving a call from the real Timmy we soon realised who it was.

We haven't seen the others yet, including Ogron and Flora. Thinking about Flora, I frown. I was snapped back into reality when my back hit against something solid. Pain shot up my back as I landed on my stomach.

I felt dizzy, and I could hear Tecna calling my name and the noise of a sword being drawn. My shoulders are pushed upwards and I'm suddenly lifted off of the ground.

After a few moments I'm placed on the ground, and my blurry eyes can't focus on the face in front of me, but I recognise the person as Riven from the colour of his hair.

"Stay here, I'll come back for you once I've dealt with them," I hear his voice and nod.

It was strange, I was feeling extremely dizzy, and everything was a blur, but I could hear clearly. The yelling, the sound of magic spells being fired and the clashing of weapons.

After a while, my vision returned to normal and I was able to stand up properly. My back still ached, but with a quick spell it was completely healed. I flew until I eventually found everyone.

"Bloom! Stella! Aisha!" I notice the three crouched down beside the bodies of the two wizards.

They got them? But- how? Is our magic really that strong?

"Musa! Are you alright?" Bloom flies towards me and I nod.

"I'm fine, but how did you defeat them?" I ask, still in complete shock.

"The Fairy of Rewards made us stronger! Can't you feel it, Musa? Oh, and Miss Faragonda gave us these," Bloom holds up a pair of glowing handcuffs, "they stop the Wizards' powers from working."

"Wow, I can't believe it!" I giggle, "we actually can defeat the Wizards of the Black Circle."

"Don't get ahead of yourself, Fairy," a loud laugh causes us to turn around.

"Ogron!" Bloom and I gasp.

"You may have taken down the others," his eyes glow a terrifying red, "but I assure you, you will never defeat me."

His fists clench into fists, "and you will all be sorry."

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