Chapter 1, Part 2: Penny's POV

Start from the beginning

"Penelope, Caroline, you're late," my brother Dana said as the two of us walked through the classroom door.

"Sorry, we—"

"Take a seat," he said before I even got a chance to explain myself. "I'll speak to you two after class."


"Yes, sir," Caroline said without hesitation before I could say what I wanted to say. I sighed as Caroline took the front row seat closest to the door (she looked like she was dying to sit down and catch her breath a little bit). I had to do the walk-of-shame all the way over to the desk in the second row on the other side of the classroom.

As "Mr. Kherrington" went over the syllabus for the course, I really did try hard to pay attention (especially since I'd heard about how hard of a teacher he was from some of Owen's friends), but it was just so boring. Dana's always been the boring one out of my four brothers (no offense to him), but I mean c'mon ... he was kind of talking like a monotone robot. I don't know how I managed not to fall asleep or even doze off ... well, no that's not true; taking notes on the stuff Dana was saying helped me stay awake (even though I didn't really understand most of it ... and he was just reviewing stuff that we supposedly learned in eighth grade).

By the time the bell rang I was so excited to get out of there. But when I saw Caroline walk up to Dana's desk, I remembered that he wanted to talk to us.

"Sorry for being late, Mr. Kherrington," Caroline told him. "We honestly got lost on our way here."

"As I said in class, Caroline, I don't like tardiness," Dana said, "under any circumstances. Now I understand that this is the first day and freshmen are still getting to know their way around campus. But I believe there's no reason you couldn't have given yourself a mini tour the day you moved in so that you'd become more familiar with the different classrooms, or even just looked at your map last night to make sure you knew where you were going."

"You're right," Caroline said. "I'm sorry."

"Don't you think that's a little excessive?" I asked Dana. "I mean, we just moved in yesterday. Do you really think the thing at the front of our minds was touring the campus?"

"I think it should have been at the front of Caroline's mind," Dana said to me. "I expected you to have known where this classroom was."

"Why? I'm a freshman too," I said.

Dana looked at Caroline. "Caroline, you're free to go. Just don't be late for my class again. Consider this your free pass." Caroline looked at me then back at Dana. "I need to speak with Penelope in private. I'd go before you're late to your next class as well."

"I'll see you around," I told Caroline to hopefully get her moving. There was no need to drag her down with me in this debate.

"Okay. See ya," Caroline said before quickly walking out the door. For her sake I hoped that she knew where her next class was, because I didn't wanna find her passed out in the hall from running around this huge campus like crazy.

"You can't have a double standard against me just because I'm your sister," I said as soon as she was gone.

"This isn't about there being a double standard," Dana said matter-of-factly. "This is about the fact that we offered to get you a campus map over and over and over again and you refused to take it. Ben even told you to just keep one in your bag just in case, but no, you shot him down."

"Okay, so I made a mistake, Dana. What am I supposed to do about it?"

He raised an eyebrow. "You're supposed to listen to us and not stick your nose up in the air like you know everything."

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