6• Wakey Wakey, Eggs & Bakey

Start from the beginning

North pushed away from the wall on the other side of the room and stalked over to us. His dark eyes were set with unwavering determination. It looked like I might be in trouble if his face was anything to go by.

But I was very wrong.

He didn't seem to care Silas was holding me. He simply hugged me around the waist and buried his nose into the crook of my neck. I froze, eyes wide, as he inhaled me deeply.

I had been too distraught to notice it before, but now that I didn't have to wear pants and I knew no one was mad at me I became all too aware.

It hadn't happened with Meanie when he bathed me, nor when he poked me. The weird feeling only happened with Silas and North. It wasn't anything drastic like the tingles they all sometimes gave off. It was warm. It felt like somewhere safe.

I loved the warmth. Not once in my existence have I ever felt warm. Always was this desolate chill that consumed me. It never left.


But with these two men holding me I felt the chill completely recede. My eyes closed unwillingly. I could get use to this.

Is this because they marked me?

North's voice was deep and husky as he asked me," How are you feeling baby?"
"Fine.", I sleepily mumbled out. He kissed me in the curve of my throat causing an unusual shiver to come over me. I'd never felt that before. It was like I craved something I'd never ever needed before.
"Good.", Silas murmured into my hair, his arms tightening around me.

"Ack!", Sean made a sound like a buzzer. " Step away boys! Miss Lulu needs to eat and you two are putting her to sleep."

Silas and North both tensed. North was the first to pull away. He did so like I'd shocked him, quickly. My giant teddy bear tried setting me down, but I wasn't having it. I let out a whine and held him tighter.

I'm sleepy. Why can't they just let me take a nap?

A few of them chuckled. Someone grabbed me from behind at the same time Silas pulled gently at my limbs. I wasn't strong enough to put up much of a fight. I grunted as this person turned me around in their arms and held me in the same way they all like to. I rested my cheek on this person's shoulder.

"Did the cold go away sweetie?", Kota's voice rumbled through the chest I was laying on. I could practically hear the soft smile in his voice. I nodded.

Someone began to pet my hair. I cracked open my eyes slightly to see who it was. Sean's smiling face was right in front of mine," Good. That's great news. We'll let you snuggle with them after we feed you. Then you can nap to your heart's content. Does that sound good to you?"

I nod sleepily. I don't understand how I can be so sleepy after sleeping for two weeks, but I am.
Gabriel called out from somewhere far across the room," I thought we were suppose to give her control of her life or some shit like that? Shouldn't we let her nap if she wants to?"

Kota answered," We're going to give her as much control as we can, but with things like this we just can't right now. She hasn't been eating properly. She won't know how to make a decision on something like that for a while."

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