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It was two days after Darnell's birthday and everything in the house was settling down. That morning Don and Darnell had an doctors appointment with Dr. Chance. They were worried that baby B still hadn't turned, he was still breached, forcing Darnell to have an c-section.

Of coarse Darnell cried, but Don and Dr. Chance reinsured her that she would be okay. Darnell wanted for her to having a c-section as last option. It was a high risk surgery, especially for Darnell after all that she and the babies had been through in this pregnancy. She just wanted the twins to be healthy and to have a stress free delivery.

The c-section was scheduled for the next morning. Dr. Chance didn't want to wait any longer. Both of the twins were progressing wonderfully at 36 weeks and by the size of Darnell's stomach, they were eating good and growing by the day.

When Don and Darnell returned home that evening they made sure that they had everything together. Don made sure the car seats were in his truck correctly. It was hassle seeing that he already had little Don and Nova's booster seats in his truck as well.

It was crazy to Don. Here he was a father of three soon to be five. A couple of years ago he couldn't even imagine being married and having any kids other than Kay. He thought it would just be him and Kay forever. Just him and his little girl, but now he couldn't see living his life without his family. Him and Darnell had been through so much. He adored Darnell because she stuck by his side through thick and thin and he knew without a doubt that he would do anything not lose her again.

Inside Darnell was in the twins room packing their hospital bag. She knew that they would have to probably stay in the NICU for a while but she still wanted to have everything they needed when it was time for them to be released. She already had packed her and Don's bags. It was just some comfortable clothes they could hang around the hospital in, along with their toiletries.

Darnell looked around the finished nursery.

She was thankful for Don and Yameer

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She was thankful for Don and Yameer. They had really done a great job and Darnell was impressed by their work. It was crazy how fast this moment had came but, she wouldn't change it for the world. Soon her two boys would be home.

"You done mama?"

Darnell turned her head watching Don who stood in the nursery's door frame. She smiled giving him a second glance. Don was a beautiful man and sometimes Darnell wondered how she got this man that any woman could have to settle down with her. Yes, he made his mistakes but, deep down she knew he was a good-no great man.

From the outside, Don could come off as a thug. Sometimes his face held no emotion, it was just hard and stern. The many tattoos he had didn't help at all. But, once you really got to know Don, you could see he was a happy family man that loved his kids, his wife, and life. He was someone who loved to be around his kids, loved to laugh, and chill.

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