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*Sorry for the wait guys. Not edited and I didn't know how to end this chapter.  But umm....enjoy. 

Darnell sat in the bed flipping through channels bored out of her mind. Being on bed rest was getting to her and if she didn't do something soon, she swore she would go crazy.

It was 3:00 on a Saturday afternoon and Darnell could think of a hundred and one things she rather be doing then to be laid up.

She wasn't worried about the centre, she knew that everything was running smoothly. Don had promised that he would go by there everyday and check with the director and assistant director to make sure things were copasetic.

The kids were still the same. Kay and Nova wondered why there mommy couldn't do all the things they used to do together. They missed playing hide and go seek or going to the park with her.

While little Don was just happy that his mama was home more. After his bath, he would come and lay with Darnell and rub her stomach while he told her what he did at school and football practice.

Sometimes Darnell would get emotional with everything going on. She missed going to little Don's practices or football games, watching Kay at gymnastics practice, and helping Nova with her ballet routines. She wanted to but couldn't because of the long walking and bleachers she would have to sit in. But, the only person she could blame was herself.

Dr. Chance tried explaining to Darnell that it wasn't something in particular that she did that caused what happen to occur. Even though Don told her over and over again that he wasn't mad at her or blamed her, in Darnell's head she felt like Don was disappointed that Darnell put not only herself but the two babies in danger.

Deciding to get up and at least make herself presentable, Darnell arose from the bed and headed to her bathroom. She was lazily wearing one of Don's shirts and sweat pants that were getting too small for her.

Looking in the mirror, it was hard to recognize herself. Her bushy hair was tossed up into the messiest bun she had ever had, she had dark circles under her eyes from the lack of sleep she was getting, and her shirt held stains from the breakfast Don had prepared her that morning.

To say less she looked a mess and she knew it. Darnell turned on the water in the tub to take her a bath and to get her day started. She decided she was going to do something today, even if it was just cleaning up for five minutes or cooking something light for dinner.

Darnell felt like she needed to do these things to feel like a mom and a wife again. She couldn't sit back and watch other people do things she felt like she was put here on earth to do.

After adjust the water to her liking and poring in some of her favorite bath wash, Darnell got in the tub soaking feeling the aches in her lower back disappear. She didn't stay in long, it was already going on 4:30 and she wanted to at least have dinner ready for when her babies got home.

Darnell stepped out of the tub and dried off before moisturizing her body in coconut butter and dressing in her pink nike long sleeve crew neck shirt and matching leggings, finishing off with her black fuzzy house slippers. She parted her hair into two giving herself two French braids and washed her hands of any residue that was left on her hands.

She turned off all the bathroom lights before heading back into her bedroom to fix up the bed and turn the tv off. She grabbed her phone and head out making sure she had everything she needed before leaving because once she was down stairs, she wasn't coming back up.

Making her way down the stairs that was only accessible from the master bedroom, Darnell made sure to take her time on each step holding tightly on the iron railing.

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