Chapter 32- Boyfriend

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Chapter 32- Boyfriend
Tyler's POV

I come back home at 2:30 in the morning, drowned in alcohol and really wasted. Today was the first time I had sex after meeting Jessica. I had stopped it all the day I met her, but I was so angry, I just couldn't contain it.

I go upstairs to my room to see it empty. Where is she? I enter the washroom, unable to walk in a straight line to find the washroom empty too. I'm confused.

I enter her old room to see it empty too, the closet door was open and her clothes were gone. My eyes widened and now I'm very worried. I ran downstairs into the kitchen to see that empty in every corner.

Where the fuck is she?

"Cherry!" I call out,

"Cher!" I call out again,

"Jessica!" I scream out her name but get no response. I walk into every corner and rooms of this house, but find no trace of her.

She left the fucking house!

What the fuck have I done!

This is all my fault!

I shouldn't have said any of those mean things and should've let her explain instead.


I call Bella, "hey Tyler!"

"Bella, have you seen Jessica? Is she with you? Do you know where she went?" I said frantically,

"The last time I saw her when she was with Parker. Why? What happen?"

"She's not home! She left! She left the fucking house!"


"Yes! I can't find her!"

"Wait, I'll try calling her and I'll call you back if I know something." And she hung up.

I paced around the room, my worry and anger was building up. I took the lamp and flung it across the living room, shattering it to pieces when it landed on the ground.

I pick up any breakable item I see and break it into a million pieces. Whatever emotion I'm having right now is just building up.

The door bell rang and I rush to the door, hoping to see a smiling Jessica. Once I open the door, my excitement fades away when I see a frantic Bella and Austin. "Where is she?" He asks,

"I don't fucking know!" I reply,

I paced around as I watched Bella call her, "Jess, we're really worried, where the fuck are you?" She hung up, "it went into her voicemail, again!"

" I'm going out to find her," I said,

"Don't Tyler, you're drun-" I left before Austin could complete his sentence. I might be drunk, but I don't care and I'll do anything to find her. I sat on my bike and speed of into the dark night.

I go up to every friends house of hers I know, but all the houses I've been to don't know where she is. The last house I go to is Anne's. How do I know where it is? I've slept with her to put it bluntly.

I push the button to the door bell and wait for her to open the door. After a few minutes, the door flew open and Anne was standing there, "where is she?" I ask,

"Who're you talking about?" She asks,

"Don't play dumb Anne, you know exactly who I'm talking about. Where's Jessica?"

"I don't know where she is,"

"Well then can I come in and see?"

"You can't just come into someone's house like that Tyler."

"Well I have and I wanna enter," I said and move her aside to enter,

"What the fuck Tyler! Get out!"

I ignore her and look into every room to finally find Jessica sitting on the bed with her head on her knees. "Jessica!" I call out and she looks up with wide eyes,


I rush towards and pull her into a hug, not believing that I had found her. She cried on my shoulders and said, "Tyler, you should leave," as soon as she said that, I frowned.


"I don't think I should stay with you, not after yesterday." She said and stood up, waking to her closet,

I walk towards her and turn her around, pinning her to the closet door, "listen Jessica, I'm really sorry about yesterday, I should've given you a chance to speak and I regret saying all the things I've said to you. I'm really sorry."

"Tyler, what you said yesterday hurt so much, o can't get over it. You said and I quote, "I don't fucking care about you." If you don't care about me, you should just let me be by myself."

"I was drunk Jess! I was so angry after seeing you kiss Ethan, my blood boiled up!"

"You didn't even give me a chance to explain Ty! I could've explained to you, but you didn't let me, and now I shouldn't even bother anyway." She says and turns her face away,

"I'm so sorry Jessica-" I said sincerely, "please forgive me."

"Well Tyler, you're forgiven. Now leave." She said, making me turn her face around,

"Come on Jessica, what I said yesterday was not on purpose, I was drunk and when I saw you kiss him, I was angry and hurt. Very fucking hurt!"

"Why the fuck were you hurt? You're not my boyfriend and you clearly don't care about me, so why the fuck were you hurt?" She asks frustratedly,

"It is because I love you god damn it! I fucking love you Jessica!"

Dun dun duuuunnnnn! OMG! He did not just say that! Well he just did but oh my god!! Ahhhhhhhh, I can't even! Toodles darlings *blows kisses*

Quote: "You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.
- Dr. Seuss

Sending love your way

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