Chapter 4- Flying Fucks

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Chapter 4- Flying Fucks
Jessica's POV

I come back home at 7:30, exhausted from today. I came home late because I had decided to go to Starbucks after school. Today has officially been the worst day of my life. All my days are bad, considering the fact that I get into some kind of trouble everyday, but today was just worse.

I plop down on the couch next to Anne, my house mate or roommate or whatever you wanna call it. I could feel her rolling her eyes, which made me roll mine. We both go to the same high school, but I always ignore her through out the day.

We both are total opposites. She's always quiet and shy, I'm very talkative and loud. She's the little miss perfect, and I'm just the devil always getting into trouble. But one thing's common between us.

We both hate each other.

I walk into the kitchen to get a glass of water. While doing that, I accidentally knock the vase on the counter, making it fall on the kitchen floor and shatter into a million pieces. Oh my fucking god! What did I just do?

That was Anne's imported vase from Italy. I'm dead! I'm completely and totally dead!

This was the cherry to top off my worst day.

Anne walks into the kitchen and her eyes widen. I knew what exactly was coming right now, so I cover my ears. She screams so loud, I feel like it could shatter the windows. Even after covering my ears, I could hear loud piercing scream.

Oh god, please help me!

"OH MY GOD!! WHAT THE FUCK JESSICA! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? ARE YOU FUCKING NUTS?? YOU BITCH!-" she takes long deep breaths, "-Jessica, I need you out of my house, RIGHT NOW!" She screams, making me flinch.

"But Anne, where will I go?" I ask,

"I don't give two flying fucks. I need your ass out of this house right now. I'm done with you causing trouble in this house. First, you break my imported wine glass, then you break an ancient statue my mom bought from Egypt, then you spill wine over my favorite white fur carpet. You almost burn down my kitchen. You lost my favorite hoodie I let you borrow. You are a fucking troublemaker. Now, get out of the house before I call the cops." She completes, making my eyes widen.

I run into my room, pack my things as soon as possible, and leave the house. God she's such a crazy bitch! I remove my phone from my jeans pocket and dial Bella's number, "hey Jess!" She squeals,

"Bella, I need a place to stay in, right now!"

"Why? What happen?"

"I've been kicked out."

"What! Why?"

"I broke Anne's imported vase."

"Oh Jess. Why don't you move in with Ethan?"

My blood boiled by just hearing his name. Now that I'm thinking about him, I'm also thinking of ways to kill him.

"I'm not staying with that asshole!" I exclaim,


"I broke up with him. He was slut sucking."

"Ttyl, I'll call you later." She says,

"Why? Where are you going?" I ask,

"I'm gonna go murder an asshole!"

"Calm down Isabella. Now I just need a place to live in. Help me please!" I plead

"Ok, right now just drive to Austin's place. We'll think about something while you're here."


"Bye, see you." She says before hanging up.

I enter my car and drove out of this place. I'm finally gonna be away from that bitch.

I wonder what's gonna happen now.

Poor poor Jess. Where will she go now? Let's see what happens in the next chapter. Comment and vote;)

Quote:"I really don't think I need buns of steel. I'd be happy with buns of cinnamon."
- Ellen DeGeneres

Song: Stressed Out- Twenty One Pilots

I don't know what the song has to do with the chapter, but it's great!

Sending love your way

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