Chapter 21- Protected

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Chapter 21- Protected
Jessica's POV

"I think we should go to the beach!" Bella suggested, making me groan in annoyance. We were currently discussing about the things we can do today.

"How about we go for paintball? That'll be fun." Austin suggested, making me groan yet again.

"Why don't we just watch a movie? I've honestly been dying to watch Everything Everything. Then we can come back home, swim and have barbecue. What say?" I ask,

"That's actually a great idea!" Tyler replies and looks at me, smiling.

His smile is so cute, and it looks adorable on him! *fangirls*

"Start cleaning up guys." I say and everyone starts picking up their plates and glasses before placing them in the wash basin and leaving the kitchen. Oh great, looks like I've go to clean up.


After cleaning up, I went upstairs in my room to get dressed for the today. I just wanted to look cute and be comfortable at the same time, and what's better than an oversized hoodie?

I remove an oversized black hoodie that reaches up to my mid thigh from the closet and place it on the bed before walking into the washroom.

Once I was done with my shower, I leave the washroom with a towel wrapped around my body to see Tyler sitting on the edge of the bed, all ready for the trip to the cinema.

"Tyler, what are you doing here?" I asked, gripping my towel tighter.

"Has anyone told you that you look beautiful after shower?" He asks, my cheeks heating up at the compliment.

"No, now can you please leave, I need to change."

"You can change right in front of me."

"Not happening Tyler!"

"Just do it Cherry."

"Close your eyes." I said,

"Fine!" He said in exasperation,

I watched him as he did so, so I turn my back and slip out of the towel, putting on the hoodie as quickly as possible.

In case you're wondering if I'm wearing my bra and panties or not, then I definitely am. I don't even know why I said that, but I felt like it.

I turn back around to see Tyler shamelessly grinning from ear to ear. "You have a great ass by the way." He said,


I rolled my eyes, ignoring the fact that he did stare at me,

"You're gonna wear that?" He asks and I nod, "as much as I hate to say this Cherry, but you can't. You're not going anywhere with you showing off too much of legs." He says,

"But Tyler, I wore many short dresses before too, showing a lot of my leg, but you never said anything, why now?" I ask,

"I just don't want you wearing that outside."


"Because I don't want you to, that's it."

"I'm gonna wear it Tyler, I don't care what you think." I said, exasperated at his behavior. If I wasn't dreaming or anything, I saw a pained expression settle on his face for split second.

"Whatever." He said with a poker face and left the room.

What was that for?


We all sat in Tyler's car, Bella and Austin in the back. I stayed silent for the whole time, and neither did Tyler attempted to talk to me. Tyler started driving, and for the whole drive to the cinema, he stayed silent and I did too.

Once he parked the car, we all got out and walked into the mall that has the cinema. Until now Tyler hasn't talked to me, and I honestly don't like the feeling of it. "So guys, you ready for Everything Everything?" Bella asks with excitement that she couldn't contain,

"Yup! I've been dying to watch it!" I said, squealing with the same excitement.

I glanced over out Tyler to see him giving me a small smile before going back to looking in the front.

He bought the tickets while me, Bella and Austin waited behind him. He walks towards us and says, "guys, the movie will begin in 10 minutes. Go get your asses in front of the food counter and buy food quick." He said and we did as commanded.

I bought nachos and coke for me and Tyler since we had decided to just share. "I'll share with you," was the only thing he had said to me. I felt empty without him being the playful Tyler around me. It felt very weird.

We all walked into the cinema hall with our food in our hands and took our seat. The seats were designed so that two could fit on one, so Austin and Bella obviously sat together, already starting their making out session.

Ok in all seriousness, these two are super cute together, but sometimes their PDAs just get out of hand.

So I sat next to Tyler in the corner, and when I did, the hem of my hoodie rose, making it seem even shorter than it already is. Tyler glanced towards me, then my legs, then back into my eyes. He just sighed, "see, it's even shorter now." He said.

I should've just listened to him. Now my legs will be cold meat.

The movie started after a while, and I made myself comfortable, but it was kinda hard when my hoodie was just rising up, exposing way too much of my legs. Not to forget the fact that I was freezing.

Tyler looked at me and sighed again. He removed his jacket, "Come here," he said, spreading his arms wide, engulfing me in warm tight hug before placing his jacket on my legs.

My head was on his chest, and his chin was resting on my head. I inhaled his smell, smiling as it sunk in my senses. Being in his arms made me feel good. It felt nice to have his warmth, to smell his scent, to be the one to hear his heartbeat,

To be close to him.

"Cherry?" He calls out, blowing the hair on top of my head as he does,


"I'm sorry. You know, about earlier." He places his fingers under my chin before lifting my head up, searching for my eyes. He locked his gaze on me, not blinking once, "it's fine Tyler, I know it was in a good way." I said,

A smile spread on his face as a sign of relief. He kissed my forehead and I closed my eyes, loving the sweet feeling it gave.

We went back to looking at the screen and he pulled me closer, making me just tighten my grips around him. I liked this, I felt protected in his arms. Like nothing would ever harm me if he's there.

I like this side of him.

Hola amigos! I know, it's a late update. Sorry bout that. I just have my exams going on, so let's be patient yeah? Toodles! :p

Ooh one more thing! The chapters from now on will be longer. Why? Because I want it to be.

Quote:"You've been acting so shady, I've been feeling it lately."
- How Long, Charlie Puth

Sending love your way

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