Chapter 3- Noodles

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Chapter 3- Noodles
Jessica's POV

What in the actual fuck! He wants to kiss me? No way, no freaking way!

"What the-" before Ethan could even complete his sentence, Tyler pulls me into a kiss.

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, Tyler Myers is kissing me. Tyler fucking Myers is kissing me. And the worst part is, I'm kissing him back. Oh for god sake I have a boyfriend!

He pushed me against the locker and pinned me there, not once even breaking the kiss. His lips are so soft! No mind, don't say that. He might be hot, ok he is hot, but don't.

I try to push him away, but couldn't. Without even realizing, I kick him in his balls and slap him, making him scream in pain and clutch his crotch.

I gasp after realizing what I had just done. I just slapped Tyler. I slapped someone who's considered god in our school.

Fuckity fuck fuck fuck!!

What have I done? What kind of trouble did I just get myself into? Somebody slap me please, or just kill me.

He glared down at me with such hatred, I swear I wouldn't be surprised if he's plotting my murder in his mind.

Hunter tries to calm Tyler, and it doesn't seem to be working, so the next thing I just do is run. I run as fast as I can down the hallway and enter the nearest janitor's closet.

Ok, am I dumb? Am I stupid? Am I fucked up? Yeah I know I've been getting into so much trouble, literally everyday, but today I just slapped the god of our school. Not only did I slap him, but I kicked him where the sun don't shine. Why wasn't I using my noodles?

In case you're wondering what I had just meant, It just means that why wasn't I using my brain?

I peek out of the room and look towards both the directions. The coast is clear. I leave the closet and walk down the hallway towards my right. Oh god, now I have another detention. Why doesn't my day just go normally? First I came late to school, next I bumped into Mackenzie, then Tyler just kissed me, last I slapped and kicked Tyler.

Now, can my day get any worse than that?

Personal advice: never ask that question, something bad will happen. Guaranteed!

Oh the irony!

So the class I'm supposed to have history in, crosses another janitor's closet. I heard loud moans coming in from the closet. One of them sounded so much like Ethan. I don't even know why, but I feel like I'm having a deja vu. I open the door and face Ethan sucking someone's face. She's a blonde. Ethan's eyes widen when he looks at me, making the girl turn around. It was Mackenzie.

She is such a good... SLUT!

Get the reference?

Not the time Jessica!

"Jess, babe I can explain." He starts. I just look at him with such hatred, if my eyes could shoot fire, he'd be burnt to ashes by now. How could he do this to me? We've been dating for a year! Ughh, I'm gonna strangle him!

He starts walking towards me but then stops when I raise my hand, "Ethan, babe-" I spat, "- we're done. So If you wanna go back to slut sucking then go ahead." I complete before closing the door with a loud bang.

I'm surprised that I'm not even tearing up, not even a little. Probably because I'm so sick of that same old love.

Yes, I did just quote Selena Gomez. What you gonna do about it? Fight me?

I just enter the my history class with a blank face, completely ignoring Mr. Harrison's screams. I take my seat beside Bella and Austin's table. Ethan was supposed to sit next to me, but that seat's empty, and I'm glad that it is.


I just love mean girls so much, I can't even! I've watched it so many times, it's almost impossible to count. Oh and Ethan's such an ass! Comment and vote;)

Quote:"If you can make a woman laugh, you can make her do anything."
- Marilyn Monroe

Song: Same old love- Selena Gomez

Sending love your way

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