Chapter 6- Embarrassed

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Chapter 6- Embarrassed
Jessica's POV

I still can't believe I'm gonna stay in this house. With Tyler Myers, might I add.

Tyler enters a room, "this, is your room." He says before moving aside to let me enter. The room was huge! There was lots of space to fill it in with almost anything. I wouldn't be exaggerating if I said that you could put a mini trampoline in here.

It was a black and white room, very modern and sophisticated. "Thank you Ty-" I turn around and accidentally hit my forehead against his. Why was he standing so close?

He was rubbing his forehead, "sorry Tyler, I-"

"It's alright, but I'll definitely get you for kicking me real hard and slapping me." He says before turning around and leaving.

Great, just great! This day was the best day of my life, *note the sarcasm*. Why do I always get in trouble when I don't even want to? I could even get into trouble by just standing still or sitting on the couch without doing anything. As much as I want to run away from getting into trouble, it just finds it's way back.

I heard weird sounds. What's that sound? I look around the room to find the source of the sound. I hear it again. Oh wait, it's just my stomach. I'm hungryyyy!!

I walk out of my room and try to find Tyler's. Where can I find my Prince Charming in a huge castle like this? What? I wasn't talking about Tyler, I was talking about food. Food is hands down the best to ever exist, and right now, I'm in the mood for some fries.

I open the door to a room and my eyes widen when I see Tyler complete naked. Water droplets were dripping down his back and my eyes were roaming around everywhere. Like seriously, I'm legit staring at his ass right now. Wait why am I doing that?

Tyler for some god damned reason turns around, giving me full access to gawk at his body. His body was gorgeously tanned, his abs were so defined, I felt like tracing my fingers over it. My eyes widen even more and my mouth hangs open when I accidentally stare at his *cough* dick *cough*.

Tyler coughs, making me look back into his eyes. I blush because clearly and obviously, Tyler saw me checking him out. He probably knows that I was clearly eye raping him.

I'm so embarrassed!

He wraps a towel around his waist and walks towards me. God he looks so sexy when he's wet! That sounded completely wrong. Brain, just shut up for once.

"You liked that view, didn't you?" He asks while smirking, and I was totes tongue tied.

"I- no- that- I didn't- you- sorry- I'm-" I didn't know what I was uttering right now. Get it together Jess! I took some deep breaths and then spoke again, "I am so sorry Tyler! I really didn't mean to just stare at you like that. I'm so-" he cuts me off by pulling my wrist, turning me around and placing his hand against my stomach to pull me closer.

He leans in next to my ear, "oh it's alright cherry-"


"-I know you liked the view. Now, why'd you come here?" His hot, minty breath was fanning my neck, making me shut my eyes and bite my lip. It's a habit of mine. I do it when I'm too stunned to do anything.

I finally speak up, "I just came here to ask where the kitchen is? I'm really hungry right now." I chuckle awkwardly. Great way to make myself look stupid in front of an undeniably hot guy.

Good job Jess! *eye roll*.

"Well done let's go make food."


Quote:"A day without laughter is a day wasted."
- Charlie Chaplin

Song: Rude Boy- Rihanna

Sending love your way

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